Following the information notices published on 07/07/2022 (available here), Eni S.p.A. will not offer any Lots for June 2023.
The decision not to run the auction for June 23 is related to the need to plan in a reasonable and prudent way the management of its own gas transport capacity considering the current geopolitical framework.
Eni S.p.A. may consider to subsequently evaluate offers for monthly products for July 2023 – September 2023 and will publish eventual offers for such products in due time.
For further information, please send an email to or contact:
Stefania Lanzino
Phone number : +39 02 520 31553
Alessandro Iorio
Phone number : +39 02 520 41307
Leone Antonio Missi
Phone number : +39 02 520 41227
Matteo Calò
Phone number : +39 02 520 41304
e-mail: matteo.calo' è una piattaforma disegnata in modo digitalmente sostenibile che offre una visione immediata delle attività di Eni. Si rivolge a tutti, raccontando in modo trasparente e accessibile i valori, l’impegno e le prospettive di un’impresa tecnologica globale per la transizione energetica.
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