Low Carbon Energies Technology Field Trip

Low Carbon Energies Technology Field Trip

Low Carbon Energies Technology Field Trip

Low Carbon Energies Technology Field Trip

Low Carbon Energies Technology Field Trip
An event attended by our Senior Management at our biorefinery in Porto Marghera. We hosted in depth sessions focused on low carbon technologies, biorefining and agri-hubs to the financial community. The event was an occasion to highlight the importance of our Satellite Model as a distinctive approach to address the energy transition.  

Biorefining: The Energy of Today & the Energy of Tomorrow

Agri-hubs: Seeds for Energy

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Investor Relations

Piazza Vanoni, 1 - 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Head of Investor Relations and Strategic Analysis

Jon Rigby

Milan – London
Head of Investor Relations and Strategic Analysis

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