We protect the physical, mental and social health of the people (workers, families and communities) as a fundamental human right. We manage health-related risks by constantly updating the health profile assessments for the countries where we are present, protecting the well-being of employees and people within the communities where we operate. Taking into account stakeholder expectations and the potential impacts of industrial activities, we use a specific management system in all operations, in cooperation with qualified healthcare professionals, national and international universities and government institutions and research centres. We act in accordance with local regulations, ensure a level of service quality in line with the SDGs, and the highest international standards by continuously updating staff training and skills.
We have also strengthened our collaboration with international organisations, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Health Committee of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and the global Oil & Gas association to promote environmental and social performance in the energy transition (IPIECA).
As part of our strategy to protect health, we promote healthy and responsible behaviour patterns focused on:
Furthermore, we aim to develop a health culture by raising awareness and offering training campaigns aimed at all the people who work with us. In line with the Ottawa Charter, we consider health to be a daily life resource that relies on social and personal resources as well as physical capabilities.
The areas we consider to protect the health of those who work with us, their families and the local communities.
By way of a continuous review process based on the Deming quality cycle, it ensures the progressive improvement of health-related performance and activities.
It includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases; namely those caused by the work assigned to the worker.
In Italy and around the world, Eni’s business units and companies guarantee the provision of healthcare services, as required by the employment contract, the Management System Guidelines on Human Resources (MSG HR) and international standards. We define specific operational solutions for each country based on an assessment of the context, the structural conditions of the healthcare system and the business stage.
In accordance with the national context and the specific labour agreement, we offer a medical emergency response in line with the Eni guidelines and international standards through dedicated operational solutions relating to the response capacity of the host country's healthcare system.
We promote a health culture both inside and outside the workplace. Global health programmes aim at improving the psycho-physical well-being of our people and the communities surrounding the workplaces where we operate.
We consider global health as a fundamental human right that is linked to an individual’s biological, psychological and social well-being, and we pursue this objective by carrying out promotional initiatives for employees and communities in the countries where we operate.
More specifically, the promotional activities are aimed at:
The diverse composition of the recipients means continuous interaction with:
Communicating and promoting healthcare is part of a complementary strategy to its protection in the strictest sense.
Promoting healthcare within the company leads to:
Based on this approach, we help employees to acquire healthy and responsible patterns of behaviour. Healthcare promotion programmes therefore focus on preventing risk factors:
To support the health of communities in industrial “areas of influence” we assess the Environmental, Social, and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) and Health Impact Assessment (HIA). We adopt mitigation initiatives and monitoring plans based on these analyses.
Community healthcare initiatives may also involve communities that do not live in sensitive industrial project areas (at the request of the partner countries). In these cases, awareness and empowerment initiatives or projects to strengthen and expand the local healthcare system can be planned, with targeted investments in the healthcare infrastructure, healthcare personnel and support for the relevant institutions.
In Italy, every year we support healthcare services, from occupational medicine to flu vaccination campaigns and psychological support for victims of harassment and gender-based violence. We have rolled out the Previeni con Eni project for early diagnosis and the Più Salute project for home and digital care to the whole of Italy. In support of communities abroad, we focus on primary healthcare, maternal and child health protection, and the prevention of malaria and sexually transmitted diseases.
The energy transition is fair and inclusive only if it takes people's health into account. In collaboration with the academic and research community, we continued our work to assess the potential impacts and opportunities related to energy transition and new production technologies. This is why we joined “Healthy People, Healthy Business”, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) working group. We focused on understanding how companies can concretely act in favour of global health through four key points:
We affirm our culture as a “caring company” by paying attention to each individual's aptitudes and constantly valuing skills and diversity.
Discover the sustainability report that brings together our goals, commitments and achievements for a socially just energy transition.
The results we obtain in the areas of sustainability available in the form of graphs and tables.