Sustainability management

Employees discuss around the table on sustainable projects with model wind turbine blades

The governance of sustainability

Our Corporate Governance system is based on the principles of integrity and transparency and reflects our willingness to integrate sustainability into our business model and corporate strategy. We identify sustainable success as the objective that guides the actions of the board of directors and is achieved in the creation of long-term value for the benefit of shareholders, taking into account the interests of other stakeholders relevant to the company. Eni’s Board of Directors plays a central role in the management of issues related to climate change and sustainability issues; its activities are supported by the Sustainability and Scenarios Committee (CSS) and by specific Committees.

Climate change
Circular economy and waste management
Occupational and process health and safety
Responsible supply chain management
Human capital
Equal treatment and opportunities for all
Biodiversity and ecosystem
Human Right
Water resources
Customer relations
Business conduct
Closure and rehabilitation
Local development and access to energy
Innovation, digitalization and Cyber Security
Eni's people and national and international unions
Financial Community
Local communities and community based organizations
Contractors, suppliers and commercial partners
Customers and consumers
National, European and International Institutions
Universities, research centres and innovation hubs
Advocacy organisations and trade associations, confindustrial associations
Organisations for development cooperation
Select one of the stakeholders to read more

Our supply chain has a common commitment to the energy transition

Recognising the key role of the supply chain in the transformation process, we share values and a commitment to sustainable development.

Roles and responsibilities on sustainability issues
Board of Directors
• the Corporate Governance system
• the fundamental lines of the organisational, administrative
and accounting set-up and the guidelines of the internal
control and risk management system
• the strategic lines and the objectives, pursuing their
sustainable success and monitoring their implementation,
as proposed by the CEO.
It reviews or approves:
• the fundamental outlines of the internal Regulatory
System and the main corporate regulatory instruments
• the main risks, including socio-environmental ones
• the Policy for the Remuneration of Directors and
managers with strategic responsibilities
• financial and non-financial reporting.
Chief Executive Officer Chairman of the board of director
• the person in charge of managing the Company, without prejudice to the tasks reserved to the Board
• implements the resolutions of the BoD, informs and submits proposals to the BoD and to the Committee
• in charge of establishing and maintaining the Internal control and risk management system.
• central role in the system of internal controls
• leads the BoD’s activities and ensures that Directors are trained on sustainability topics.


Sustainability and Scenarios Committee Control and Risk Committee Remuneration Committee Nomination Committee
It assists the BoD with preparatory,
consultative and advisory functions
on scenarios and sustainabilty
issues. This means processes,
initiatives and activities to oversee
the Company's commitment to
Sustainable Development along the
value chain, in particular on issues of
climate transition and technological
innovation, environment, Local
Development, human rights, integrity
and transparency, and D&I.
It supports the BoD in evaluations and decisions relating to the internal control and risk management system, and in particular in the quarterly review of the main risks, including ESG risks, and the approval of periodic financial and non-financial reports. It informs, makes proposals and provides advice to the Board of Directors on remuneration topics, and in this context proposes annual and long-term rewarding systems, defining their objectives, also supporting the guidelines adopted on sustainability topics. It supports the BoD in the appointments, in the periodic assessments of the directors’ requirements and in the self-assessment process, formulating opinions to the BoD on the composition of the BoD and of its Committees also with respect to required competencies.

Eni’s Model

Eni’s Corporate Governance has a traditional structure and is founded on the principles of integrity, transparency and fairness.

The relationship with stakeholders

Integrity, upholding the rule of law, traceability, inclusiveness and respect for human rights are some of the principles that guide us in building long-term relationships in the countries where we operate. Continuous dialogue and the sharing of our choices are fundamental elements of the strategy and affect all company departments and roles. To strengthen mutual trust, we use the company's Stakeholder Management System (SMS), which maps over 5,800 stakeholders according to relevance in the territories in which we operate. The SMS application not only tracks requests and complaints received, but also takes into account the response actions taken by Eni, with the aim of resolving requests and complaints in a timely manner. The table below shows the most relevant issues for Eni's reference stakeholder categories, which emerged from the materiality analysis, and the issues reported by the corporate functions responsible for the relationship with that specific category.

Stakeholder engagement activities

See the list of main activities with our stakeholders.

The collection and handling of complaints

Grievances are complaints or claims raised by an individual or a group of individuals relating to actual or perceived, current, ongoing or potential accidents or damages or other environmental or social impacts caused by the company's operational activities. Eni has defined its own Grievance Mechanism (GM) to receive, investigate, respond to and resolve complaints or grievances in a timely, fair and consistent manner. The Grievance Mechanism is a key component of building trust-based relationships with stakeholders, as it allows for the early identification of potential elements of disagreement, thus enabling the reduction of business risks. Eni's GM is based on the International Guidelines on the subject (published by IPIECA) and has been active in all subsidiaries since 2016.

Host communities are informed about the opportunity and ways to make complaints and inquiries about Eni's activities. In some locations, there are Community Liaison Officers, whose task is to help gather evidence to prevent potential grievances by listening directly and continuously to members of the host communities.

We also require our suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to make their own grievance mechanism available to the workers and communities they interact with on behalf of Eni. During 2023, we extended the application of the GM to new businesses as well, in line with the transition path undertaken. In 2023, Eni handled 139 complaints. Most of the grievances dealt with community relations and environmental issues, land management, employment development, energy access, education and economic diversification.

Complaints received by theme

Grievances received by Eni's subsidiaries are classified into more than 200 sustainability topics within the company's SMS management system.


Grievances by topic⁽ᵃ⁾

  2020 2021 2022 2023
Access to energy (%) 5 1 1 4
Land Management 8 12 16 7
Education 3 1 1 7
Employment 21 8 11 12
Infrastructure 4 3 0 0
Community management 7 25 30 46
Suppliers managament/Agreements 8 9 5 5
Partnership 0 3 0 0
Social and economic impacts 3 2 0 0
Economic diversification 2 1 8 6
Environmental management 31 18 15 12
Other 8 17 13 1

(a) The grievances received by Eni’s subsidiaries are classified into over 200 sustainability themes, within the corporate management system (SMS - Stakeholder Management System). The consistency of the various grievance themes may vary from one year to the next, both in terms of type and number.

Eni for 2023. Browse the interactive feature

Discover the sustainability report that brings together our goals, commitments and achievements for a socially just energy transition.

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