Our mission, our values

The principles underlying our vision guide our actions in the journey towards a socially fair and just energy transition. This leads us to offer services, products and solutions that are increasingly sustainable

Knowledge for a future that begins today

Eni's mission is inspired by the UN 2030 Agenda, which was launched in September 2015, when more than 150 world leaders met to support global development, promote human wellbeing and protect the environment. The UN 2030 Agenda is an action plan that incorporates 17 Sustainable Development Goals, embracing all aspects of social, economic and environmental development in an organic and integrated way.

We are an energy company

Our values

The values stated in our Code of Ethics characterize our commitment and guide the behaviour of those who work and interact with us.

Sustainability is integrated into our business model

Our integrated model allows us to create value for shareholders and all our stakeholders, with whom we build relationships based on principles of integrity and transparency and adherence to our values and goals. We consistently focus on our strategy to achieve short-term goals and continue our journey of industrial transformation towards net-zero emissions.

We promote, at every level of the company, an Anti-Corruption culture that incorporates and exceeds regulatory standards through specific programmes and precise corporate  documents, guiding our people to always act with integrity and transparency.

We adhere to the United Nations’Agenda 2030 by contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our actions are guided by a business model that organically combines with the principles of environmental and social sustainability in which we believe, following three main directions:

  • Operational excellence
  • Carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Alliances for development

The results and intermediate objectives we achieve year after year are compiled and illustrated in our Sustainability Report.

A tangible vision

We leverage on a business model which guides our industrial activities distributed worldwide and along the entire value chain.

Ipad with business model

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