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2024 Shareholders' Meeting

Rome, 15 May 2024

Eni’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held on 15 May 2024 at 10 AM, in Rome, Piazzale Mattei 1 through the Shareholders’ representative designated by the Company pursuant to Decree Law no. 18/2020.

2024 Shareholders' Meeting publications

Message from the Chairman and the CEO

Message from the Chairman of the Board, Giuseppe Zafarana and the Chief Executive Officer, Claudio Descalzi on climate strategy. Focused on Net Zero emissions target at 2050, meeting the challenge of the energy trilemma.

Questions and Answers

Forms and useful documents

Information on share capital

The Company’s share capital subscribed and fully paid up is equal to €4,005,358,876.00, represented by 3,284,490,525 ordinary shares without indication of par value, each share entitles to one vote in ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meetings. The Company holds no.90.221.072 treasury shares, corresponding to 2.75% of the share capital. For treasury shares voting rights are suspended. The shares are counted for the purposes of the regular constitution of the Shareholders’ Meeting, but not for the calculation of the majority required for approval of the resolutions on the agenda.

Archive of Shareholders' Meetings

Enter the archive and discover a summary of the outcomes of the meetings and the main issues discussed at Eni Shareholders' Meetings.

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