
What does it mean to work at Eni? Discover our job opportunities, training programmes, meeting and much more.

The energy of the future is waiting for you. Apply on EniJobs

Now you can explore all the career opportunities at Eni on the new EniJobs portal. Let's start building the new world of energy together.

Job opportunities

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All available jobs

Speculative application

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We are a global energy tech company and we work to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by focusing on the skills and growth of the people who work with us and by investing resources in the research of innovative technological solutions. We prioritise health and safety, the protection of human rights and the environment where we live and work, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.

Our recruitment process

If you want to join our team, learn how our recruitment process works and follow our tips to make the most of it.

What does it mean to work at Eni?

We believe in the value of training, skills development and the well-being of our people. That's why we are building a shared mindset based on mutual respect and embracing diversity.

Eni is on a path of profound transformation towards energy decarbonization: it is a strategic journey in which our people play an essential role.

Our people in Italy and in the rest of the world


employees in the Americas


employees in Italy


employees in the rest of Europe


employees in Africa


employees in Asia


employees in Australia and Oceania

Activities in the world


* As of 2023, employment data include Novamont

**The data differ from those published in the Financial report because they include only fully consolidated companies

Gennaro Cangiano

EIRL- Recruitment ed Employer Branding

Beatrice Bragato

Scuola Mattei and the MEDEA Master’s course

Chiara Sarnataro

Relations with universities and training institutions

Scuola Mattei and Master MEDEA

EIRL Italian Branch - Milan Office

Via S. Salvo 1
20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)

EIRL Italian Branch - Rome Office

Piazzale E. Mattei,
00144 Rome

Eni International Resources Ltd

London headquarters
Eni House
10 Ebury Bridge Road, London


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