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Antitrust Compliance Programme

Antitrust Compliance Programme

In order to ensure compliance with antitrust legislation (which is one of the rules protecting fair competition, and which the Code of Ethics also expressly refers to), Eni has adopted a specific regulatory instrument aimed at disseminating knowledge regarding antitrust legislation within Eni and its Italian and foreign subsidiaries, and at ensuring adequate safeguards to prevent violations.

With a view to continuous improvement, this regulatory instrument has been subject to subsequent updates and, most recently transformed into a fully fledged Antitrust Compliance Programme, codified within the Antitrust Management System Guideline (Antitrust MSG), which applies to Eni and its subsidiaries. Eni also undertakes to use its influence to ensure that companies and other entities which it participates in without having control adopt guidelines similar to those contained in the Antitrust MSG.

Through the implementation of the Antitrust Compliance Programme, a specific corporate department has the task of carrying out preventive assessments of the compliance of business initiatives with antitrust regulations (identifying the related risks and indicating specific controls to mitigate them) and of carrying out a regular review of the suitability of the Antitrust Compliance Programme, taking into account the risks identified and the reference guidelines and best practices, with a view to proposing possible updates.

The same department also takes care of relevant training initiatives.

Last update: 14 February 2020

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