Coral South, the gas field off the coast of Mozambique

Coral South in the sea

Coral South develops the gas from Mozambique's huge offshore fields by transforming it into liquefied natural gas (LNG) that can be transported by ship and distributed globally. At the heart of the project is the floating liquefaction unit Coral Sul FLNG, a mix of technology and sustainability.

With the first LNG cargo leaving Coral Sul, Mozambique became an energy-producing country, acquiring the capacity to independently support its own development and contributing to security of supply. The result of a series of Eni exploration successes in an area that was considered a frontier, Coral South is proof of the great potential of liquefied natural gas.

Project features

Activity start date: 2016 – present


Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Access to water and sanitation
Access to water and sanitation
Community health
Community health
Environmental protection
Environmental protection

Eni Rovuma Basin B.V. 

Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A. (MRV)


China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)

Galp – Petróleos e Gás de Portugal SGPS, S.A.

Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)

Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos E.P. (ENH)

Project development and operation

Natural gas on global markets

Coral South is the first project approved by Area 4 partners in the Rovuma Basin for the development of natural gas resources discovered offshore Mozambique. It concerns in particular the southern part of the Coral field, with an estimated reserve of about 500 billion cubic metres. Its technological heart is the Coral Sul FLNG, a floating liquefaction plant that transforms gas into LNG, i.e. liquefied natural gas.  When loaded onto special ships, the LNG can reach any market. This way, Mozambique contributes to ensuring global gas supplies.

Efficient technology and emission reduction

The Coral Sul FLNG is the first floating natural gas liquefaction unit built for the African continent, the third of its kind in the world.  The vessel is a model of energy efficiency as it was designed and built for energy optimisation and COemission reduction thanks to a range of technologies:

  • aero-derivative gas turbines (with lower emissions compared to similar machines)
  • variable-speed electric engines
  • low-loss, high-voltage electric transformers
  • maximized system waste heat recovery (WHR) efficiency
  • boiler exhaust WHR
  • high-efficiency gas treatment

Grievance mechanism and stakeholder engagement plan for Coral South project execution phases

The Coral South project has adopted a Grievance Mechanism and specific Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the execution phase. The implemented Grievance Mechanism (GM) guarantees a proactive and structured approach enabling the project to receive, recognize, investigate, respond and resolve complaints and grievances from individuals/groups of individuals and organizations in a timely manner. A specific Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) is in place to ensure that all interested and affected parties are proactively informed and engaged during the execution phase. The plan establishes regular ways of information disclosure on the project activities and their impacts. Grievances can be lodged through the project green line number 800840840 (only inside Mozambique country) or email address, that can also be used to request additional information on the GM and SEP.

Local development projects

The Coral South project includes a Sustainability Plan in which we are involved with a series of actions to provide access to water, health and education for local communities.  Further initiatives we are carrying out concern environmental protection, in particular the restoration of mangroves, a key habitat for climate change mitigation.  At the same time, we are supporting the country in its development by providing specialised training to more than 800 people in the area.


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


production net to Eni amounted (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)


connected to the FLNG production unit

450 bln

capacity of the Coral field

3.4 mln

capacity of the floating plant for liquefaction of natural gas


production net to Eni amounted (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)


connected to the FLNG production unit

450 bln

capacity of the Coral field

3.4 mln

capacity of the floating plant for liquefaction of natural gas

Expand Reduce

The development of the Coral South project









First Cargo

The first cargo of liquefied natural gas produced from the Coral South Field departed from the FLNG plant.

Hydrocarbons were introduced into Coral Sul FLNG

Gas was introduced into the plant and Coral Sul FLNG was getting ready to produce LNG.

Coral Sul FLNG sets sail for Mozambique

The FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) will be towed and anchored in the Rovuma Basin.

The Coral South project is starting

The start-up phase of Coral has been launched.

Last update: 27 May 2024

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