Our activities in the world

Via a packed portfolio of products and services and a system of partnerships with countries and businesses, we work across the world to help ensure safe and diversified energy supplies.

Our global activities and projects

We are a global energy tech company present in 61 countries with more than 32,000 employees.  The values that inspire our mission are reflected in our business model, which is based on the three goals we pursue at global level:

  • carbon neutrality
  • operational excellence
  • promotion of alliances for local development

Natural gas is the focal point of our energy mix and has a key role to play in efforts to achieve the target of Net Zero emissions. At the same time, we also invest in renewable energy, biorefining and decarbonisation technologies, such as the capture and storage of CO2. To help combat the effects of climate change, we aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through an emissions reduction process that involves all of the countries in which we operate, our partners and our suppliers.

Eni in Italy and abroad

Select the view by country and project, and zoom in on the map using the side controls (+/-). Double-click the push-pins to display the information boxes.

Carbon management
Environmental remediation
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Oil & Gas
Transport and sale of gas
Local Development

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Carbon management
Environmental remediation
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Oil & Gas
Transport and sale of gas
Local Development

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Today it is increasingly important to pool resources and human capital, adopting a broad vision that makes it possible to align behind common goals to reduce the imbalances that exist at geographical level and promote global human progress.
Claudio Descalzi Chief Executive Officer

Our strengths

We collaborate with producer countries and business partners to diversify our sources and offer increasingly decarbonised energy services. (Source: Annual Report 2023)


in which we operated

Eni people ⁽¹⁾

that work in Italy and abroad, of which 10,985 are abroad

mln boe

new resources (barrel of oil equivalent)

mln boe/g

hydrocarbons production (barrel of oil equivalent per day)

  • (1) The data relating to people differ from those published in the Financial Report because they include only fully consolidated companies.

Our strategic presence in Africa

We contribute to the security of natural gas supply and the energy transition by leveraging local resources in the countries we work in.

Energy transition in Italy

In addition to our traditional business, in Italy we are also focused on the development of renewable energy and the transformation of the company, focusing particular attention on the circularity of processes, energy security and the diversification of supplies.

Eni for 2023. A just transition

Browse our voluntary sustainability report. Stories, case studies and testimonials on Eni's contribution to an increasingly sustainable, secure and affordable energy.

eni for just transition

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