Marine XII, a giant in the Republic of Congo

worker on the ship looking at the horizon

Our history in the Marine XII concession,  located in the offshore of the Republic of Congo, is marked by significant exploration achievements, such as the discoveries of Litchendjili, Nené and Minsala. The rapid development of this large field is mainly linked to its ability to be integrated with Eni's existing infrastructure and the possibility of using the gas produced to feed local energy generation through the Centrale Electrique du Congo (CEC) and the Centrale electrique du Djéno (CED).

Project features

Activity start date: 2008 – present

The Republic of Congo

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Access to off-grid energy
Access to off-grid energy

Eni Congo S.A.

New Age
Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo 

Project development and operation

Exploration achievements offshore Congo

The geological history of the Marine XII concession was reconstructed using state-of-the-art 3D survey technologies and the computing power of our supercomputers - successfully detect the presence of large natural gas fields.
The Marine XII permit is currently divided into four Permis d'Exploitation (PEX), which contain the Nené and Litchendjili fields, currently in production, and the undeveloped Minsala and Nkala discoveries, respectively.

Marine XII and access to energy

Production at Nené Marine started in 2014, eight months after the production permit was issued and 16 months after it was discovered. The complete development of the field is taking place through various phases. Marine started production in 2015 at the end of a strategic project of enhancement of gas for the domestic market, which also included the construction of the Centrale Electrique du Congo (CEC), completed in 2010, and the strengthening and upgrading of the country's electricity distribution network. Since 2020, with the start-up of the third gas turbine increasing the electricity generation capacity of the power station by 170 MW (Eni 20%), CEC has generated approximately 70% of the country’s total electricity production. The domestic gas supply is ensured not only by the production of the Marine XII block but also by the onshore M'Boundi field. 


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


wells drilled


producing wells in Nené Marine


plateau phase production (thousand barrels of oil equivalent)


share of electricity generated by CEC against total Congo production


wells drilled


producing wells in Nené Marine


plateau phase production (thousand barrels of oil equivalent)


share of electricity generated by CEC against total Congo production

Expand Reduce

The Marine XII permit

The phased development of the project in the country. 





Phase B: installation of new platform and drilling of first well

A new platform was installed and the first well was drilled.

Phase 2A ended in September with a production of over 30 K boe/day

Commissioning of the last well and first installation of our Inline Phase Splitter (IPS) technology.

Submarine pipeline directs production to Litchendijili

Completion of the laying of an underwater pipeline.

Start of production of first Phase 2A well

Installation of the second platform of phase 2A is completed and the first well of the platform is put into production.

First platform of Phase 2A installed

The first platform of phase 2A is installed 12 months after approval. New wells are drilled and the production rump up of the Néné field begins.

Production starts at the Litchendjili Marine field

Field production begins.

Nené starts production thanks to submarine pipeline

Thanks to the underwater pipeline, the first production of the field has started. To complete the recovery activities of the well we "plugged" it safely.

Last update: 08 September 2023

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