The Merakes natural gas project, offshore Indonesia, is an example of how we optimise resources to increase efficiency and productivity. The gas extracted from the subsea wells uses the transport infrastructure and processing plants already used for Jankrik, another offshore gas project not far away. Thanks to this interconnection, we were able to start the project quickly and without having to build new facilities.
Both Merakes and Jangkrik are located offshore Indonesia, in a region of great importance for natural gas supplies as it is a crossroads for markets in Asia, the Pacific and the Americas. In addition to natural gas production, we are also present in the country with local development projects we carry out together with institutions and stakeholders, which is an essential aspect of our way of operating.
Activity start date: 2018 – present
Eni East Sepinggan Limited
Neptune Energy East Sepinggan B.V.
PT Pertamina
Hulu Energy
Merakes is a natural gas project in the Kutei Basin, offshore Indonesia. Gas extracted from subsea wells is processed by the same Floating Production Unit (FPU) that also processes gas from the nearby Jangkrik project. The FPU is operated by Eni and, by optimising the interconnection between the two projects, it achieves a production capacity of 21 million standard cubic metres of gas per day. By using the transport infrastructure already used for Jangkrik, part of Merakes' production is sent to the Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) in Senipah, from where it reaches the internal market. Another part of the production is processed at the Bontang LNG liquefaction plant, one of the most reliable in the world, which supplies liquefied natural gas (LNG) for both the internal market and for export.
The plant from above
Inside Merakes plant
Merakes plant in Indonesia
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
daily production capacity of the Merakes project (million standard cubic feet per day)
optimized daily production capacity of the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit (FPU)
daily production capacity of the Merakes project (million standard cubic feet per day)
optimized daily production capacity of the Jangkrik Floating Production Unit (FPU)
An agreement has been signed with Merakes LNG Sellers to increase the availability of liquefied natural gas at the Bontang facility and strengthen our LNG portfolio.
The Merakes project starts producing natural gas.
The Merakes development investment plan has been approved.
Announced new gas discovery in Merakes East. .
The project’s development plan is approved.
The first appraisal well is drilled successfully. is a digitally designed platform that offers an immediate overview of Eni's activities. It addresses everyone, recounting in a transparent and accessible way the values, commitment and perspectives of a global technology company for the energy transition.
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