Our approach to local development in Mexico

Mexican woman hands out information leaflet to Mexican woman with child

We are involved in hydrocarbon development and exploration in Mexico. In the city of Sanchez Magallanes and in the coastal villages of the municipality of Cardenas, in the state of Tabasco, we work to promote quality learning and reduce school drop-outs, support local producers, encourage healthy food, especially for children, and ensure access to primary health services for the most fragile. The local development project goes hand in hand with our oil and gas production activities in Area 1.

In Mexico, in parallel with the production of hydrocarbons, we are active in several areas of intervention aimed at the contribution to the sustainable development of the local economy, through initiatives focused to promote economic diversification, health protection and human rights, the protection of cultural heritage and the enhancement of local culture and tradition. For this purpose, Eni Mexico has signed cooperation agreements with different government local authorities from the State of Tabasco and the Municipality of Cardenas, as well as with international entities such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Project features

Activity start date: 2019 - present


Territory protection
Territory protection
Economic diversification
Economic diversification
Community health
Community health

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 3 Good health and well-being
SDG 4 Quality education
SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation
SDG 7  Affordable and energy
SDG 8  Decent work and economic growth

Eni Messico
Eni Foundation

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) 

Volunteer Associations for International Service (AVSI) 

Ministry of Health - State of Tabasco

Health care jurisdiction in the municipality of Cardenas

The State Government of Tabasco

The State Ministry of Education (SETAB)

The Municipality of Cardenas

Projects actions and objectives

Better nutrition and health for mothers and children

In 2023, Eni Mexico signed a new three-year agreement with the local health authority with the aim of improving the state of nutrition and maternal and child health in the municipality of Cardenas, through accessing and strengthening health services.  Activities involve implementing health screenings in primary schools and pre-schools to identify students suffering from malnutrition. By mid-2024, more than 2,1 k free paediatric check-ups had been provided and more than 1,3 k children had benefited from the annual allowance. In schools and in 10 communities we have organized 70 educational and nutritional awareness sessions, while in health centres we have provided equipment and supplements. In addition, high-risk maternal diseases will be combated in 2024 by providing medical equipment such as portable ultrasound machines and a vehicle to ensure access to health services, as well as specialised medical training focused on prevention.

Project for a health centre in Manatinero

In order to support health infrastructure in the most remote areas of the municipality of Cardenas, Eni Mexico signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the local health authority in 2022. This agreement will support the community of Manatinero by building and equipping a modern health centre on a site of approximately 1,4 k square metres, with a built area of around 400 square metres. The initiative aims to improve the living conditions and health of the Manatinero communities, particularly the most vulnerable ones, by increasing access to and use of primary health care services.

The importance of promoting education: the PROEDU project

We cooperate with AVSI Mexico for the benefit of students, parents and teachers from the School Zone 46, which involves 13 elementary schools. Our strategy is to make scholar spaces safer and more comfortable to reduce absenteeism rates and, at the same time, develop programs to increase teachers' skills, promote parents’ involvement, and increase scholar performance. Up to December 2023, the following activities were achieved:


  • rehabilitation of 11 elementary schools
  • the establishment of an infrastructure maintenance committee
  • more than 1,9 k extracurricular and school support activities were carried out for more than 600 children in vulnerability situation
  • implementation of a School for Parents with more than 45 sessions and events for the provision of information, guidance, training and advice to support education of children
  • literacy courses for adults
  • implementation of a School Library Program to increase literacy skills and promote children’s participation
  • 11 schools with established student committees
  • implementation of a School Nutrition and Hygiene Program, which includes the building of school orchards, the carrying out of nutrition training, and the elaboration of nutrition and hygiene manuals.

Consequently, the project has benefited more than 1,8 k students, more than 900 parents and 85 teachers.

Eni Foundation - Improving access to primary health care services

In June 2022, the Eni Foundation signed a three-year MoU with the Ministry of Health of the State of Tabasco to promote access to primary health care (PHC) services for the most vulnerable citizens in the municipality of Cardenas. Activities under this agreement include improving the infrastructure of the emergency care network and providing medical and technological equipment, training all health care personnel, and implementing health education and information initiatives for the population aimed at combating the most prevalent diseases in the area. These initiatives, developed in collaboration with local institutions, support both the short and medium- to long-term objectives of the Ministry of Health's ambitious Health Programme (Programa Sectorial de Salud 2019-2024).

The importance of fishing for the economy

Fishing is one of the most significant activities for local communities. We support sea fishers with the delivery of fishing nets and outboard motors. We contribute to the modernization of their equipment and to the reduction of the environmental impact, also thanks to the knowledge shared during the sustainable fishing laboratories set up to meet their needs.

For the promotion of sustainable management of fishing resources in the Carmen-Pajonal-Machona lagoon, we carry out the repopulation of 4 native species to compensate for the loss of fish productivity and diversity of fish species. Until December 2023 we have released around 130 k offsprings.

Oyster farming is also one of the primary activities in the Carmen-Pajonal-Machona lagoon system. This initiative began with the implementation of a first pilot phase, lasting one year, whose objective was to evaluate the growth potential of oysters when using Australian baskets compared to Japanese strings, which have been used traditionally for the cultivation of this mollusk.

The results of the pilot phase were favorable, not only due to the observed growth, but also due to aesthetic presentation, size, and weight. Therefore, interested oyster producing groups were invited to implement the new method, reserving some lines in their farms for the introduction of Australian baskets. Currently there are 11 producing groups – including cooperatives - supported with Australian baskets. Besides the provision of supplies, the initiative includes training and technical support from the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco, a recognized local university.

Finaly, to achieve oyster health certification in the lagoon system, support is provided through continuous environmental monitoring and management with local authorities. The aim is to improve safety and hygiene, to make oyster production increasingly sustainable and offer more commercial possibilities.

Development and integration opportunities for young people in coastal communities of the Municipality of Cardenas

Eni Mexico identified the need to assist the youth population of communities close to its operations, which faces problems related to inadequate access to vocational training, insufficient public recreative spaces, scarce work opportunities, and low participation in the public life of their communities.


To this end, we formulated a project to create an enabling environment for the development and integration of youth between the ages of 15 to 24 years, which covers the intervention in two specific areas:


  • promote social integration and feeling of belonging through initiatives to increase the participation of young people in their communities
  • improve the path to economic and personal autonomy of young people through technical and human formation.

With the collaboration of AVSI Mexico, the project started activities by the end of 2022 and seeks to benefit more than 1,5 k young people of the coastal zone of the Municipality of Cardenas. Activities include the construction of a cultural and educational space in the main urban community of the zone, the acquisition of a mobile classroom for young people from remote communities, artistic, human and professional training initiatives, the creation of a youth network, and the establishment of committees (or other mechanisms of participation) and initiatives led by youth. As for December 2023 more than 430 young people were participating in artistic, cultural, and sports activities.

Integrated, responsible, and sustainable approach to the coconut palm production and commercial chain

One of the objectives of Eni Mexico’s social investment is economic diversification. In the communities close to Contractual Area 1, Eni Mexico identified the primary sector as an area of opportunity, particularly the coconut production, which has been several affected by pests and diseases, as well as by the lack of a formal commercial coordinated strategy. In this sense, a project is being implemented since mid-2023 focused on the intervention around three axes of action:


  • technical: improve the productivity of coconut crops from a regenerative and sustainable approach
  • economical: increase the sales of coconut through improved and strengthened strategies for coconut and derivatives sales
  • social: improve the cohesion of the sector and crop activity and coconut transformation work conditions through a collective efficiency approach.

Among the most important expected results are the creation of a local governance mechanism, the incorporation of 100 ha (planting and reactivation) of coconut palms, and the generation of strategic partnerships and collaborations for the purchase and sale of coconut. It is expected to benefit more than 100 people (producers, families, and workers) by the end of the project.

Collaboration Program with UNESCO

At the beginning of 2022 Eni Mexico signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UNESCO which objective is to promote joint actions for the reduction and prevention of disasters, management and conservation of biodiversity, sustainable tourism, education for development and cultural promotion. Through this agreement the following initiatives have been implemented:


Museography and recovery of the main hall of La Venta Park Museum

Both activities have as their purpose to strengthen the educative, preservation, research, and diffusion functions of the museum to benefit close to 160 k local visitors and tourists, more than a thousand schools and more than 230 k students of the Municipality of Centro, as well as 685 k inhabitants of its municipal seat, Villahermosa.


Diagnosis of water security of the Mezcalapa-Samaria sub-basin

With the participation of the Regional Center of Water Security (CERSHI), a Category 2 Center under the sponsorship of UNESCO, this diagnostic seeks to establish the bases that allow the definition of a possible water security and integrated flood risk management plan to protect more than 140 k inhabitants of Tabasco living near this subbasin.


Sustainable tourism opportunities

This initiative included a feasibility study about sustainable tourism opportunities in Villa y Puerto Coronel Andres Sanchez Magallanes. Its purpose is to identify the possibilities of promoting this activity as an alternative for economic diversification in the communities of the region, along with suggestions to preserve a social and environmental equilibrium from an intercultural, human rights, and ethical perspective.


where malnutrition screenings have been conducted

1,8 k

benefiting from the project aimed at improving nutrition and health

health centre

under construction


of schools that have been restructured


where malnutrition screenings have been conducted

1,8 k

benefiting from the project aimed at improving nutrition and health

health centre

under construction


of schools that have been restructured

Expand Reduce

Eni Foundation Mexico, a source of support that looks to the future

We support the Mexican Ministry of Health with initiatives to improve access to primary health services in the state of Tabasco.

Mexican child in school cafeteria

Eni for 2023. A just transition

Browse our voluntary sustainability report. Stories, case studies and testimonials on Eni's contribution to an increasingly sustainable, secure and affordable energy.

eni for just transition
Last update: 15 May 2024

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