
We believe in a world where sustainability meets everyone's needs: those of the environment and the people. To do this, strategies are needed that can keep traditional energy together with innovation and research.

Eni: new energy every day

We are an integrated energy company and we are on our way towards the energy transition with solid actions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. We work to ensure that access to energy is guaranteed in all countries where we operate, and we are constantly working to make our energy mix increasingly sustainable, with the goal of a fair and inclusive transition and full decarbonisation by 2050.

Our people



Eni people¹

that work in Italy and abroad, of which 10,985 are abroad


employed in Italy


employed abroad

  • (1) The data relating to people differ from those published in the Financial Report because they include only fully consolidated companies.

World Energy Review 2024

Eni's annual statistical review, now in its 23rd edition.

Our business model

Eni organically combines its business plan with the principles of environmental and social sustainability, articulating its reach along three levers: Operational Excellence, Carbon Neutrality by 2050 and Alliances for Development.

Hand on ipad displaying business model infographic

Key operating and financial results

Highlights Full Year 2023

1.7 mln

daily production hydrocarbon

13.8 bln

adjusted operating profit

8.3 bln

adjusted net profit

9.2 bln

net capital expenditure

Eni looks to its future with passion and confidence, facing up to the major economic and social changes of our time, with a leading role as a protagonist in the phases of change, thanks to distinctive elements such as technological leadership and the ability to forge valuable partnerships.  

Eni’s satellite model

Striking the right balance between investments and returns through a unique organizational and financial strategy.

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