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Market Abuse

Eni recognizes that information is a strategic asset and as such it must be managed to safeguard the interests of the Company, its shareholders and the market.

Market Abuse - Market Information Abuse (Issuers) Procedure

The Eni Board of Directors approved the Market Information Abuse (Issuers) Procedure, acting on a proposal from the CEO, with the favourable opinion of the Control and Risk Committee.

The Procedure, updating for the “issuers” Eni’s previous procedure, incorporates the amendments introduced by the European Regulation No. 596/2014/EU of 16 April 2014 and by the related implementing Regulations, as well as by national laws, taking into account the Italian and foreign institutional positions.

The Procedure, in tracing the evolution of “company information” within Eni, regulates the principles of conduct for preserving its confidentiality, in order to ensure that members of the corporate bodies, employees and people working on behalf of Eni respect these principles while performing the duties assigned, as set out also in Eni's Code of Ethics and in the corporate security measures.



The Procedure:

i) defines the principles of conduct for internal management and external communication of “corporate information” and, in particular, of “inside information”, including those directly affecting Eni, as recommended also by the Italian Corporate Governance Code, retracing the prohibitions on abuse and unlawful communication of inside information and related sanctions;

ii) describes the information and authorization flows, identifying roles and responsibilities related to the qualification of information as "inside information”, and, subsequently, for the preparation of press releases, so that the inside information is communicated to the public as soon as possible or is exceptionally activated the delay procedure subsisting the conditions of law; the Procedure also defines the rules for acquiring from the subsidiaries the data and information necessary to provide adequate and timely information to the public;

iii) as recommended by Consob (the Italian Commission for Companies and Stock Exchange), regulates the monitoring of the evolution of information until it becomes “Eni inside information”, starting from the mapping of the types of relevant information and identifying the safeguards for the segregation and confidentiality of information (including "Relevant Information List" and " Insider List");

iv) regulates general behavioral obligations on transactions involving Eni securities (in particular, "Managers' Transactions" and "Blocking Period").

Last update: 27 September 2019

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