Kashagan, offshore oil and gas in Kazakhstan

Plant on the coast of Kazakhstan

Kashagan is an oil and natural gas field discovered off the Caspian Sea, near the city of Atyrau in Kazakhstan. This is one of the biggest breakthroughs in the energy sector in recent decades. After the start of the first batch of crude oil, development activities focused on production and increasing the associated gas processing capacity.


In Kazakhstan, besides activities in the exploration sector, we are involved in infrastructure improvement initiatives, particularly in schools, hospitals, sports facilities, roads, power lines and water supply systems. Given its size and technical, environmental and logistical characteristics, Kashagan is considered to be one of the most complex and challenging industrial projects in the world.



Project features

Activity start date: 2013 - present


Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas

Agip KCO

North Caspian Sea Production Sharing Agreement

Project development and operation

Exploration and development in the Caspian Sea

The production of hydrocarbons and natural gas in Kashagan is constantly increasing through the studies for further development phases implemented during our activity. These include the expansion of natural gas injection capacity, the conversion of wells from producers to injectors and the upgrading of existing facilities.

Eni has been present in Kazakhstan since 1992 where it is co-operator of the Karachaganak field in production and it participates in the North Caspian Sea PSA consortium which is responsible for operations at the Kashagan field. In any geographical area in which we operate, we do not carry out exploration activities within the boundaries of Natural Sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List so as to respect the local biodiversity.


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


net production Eni (barrel of oil equivalent per day)


net production Eni (barrel of oil equivalent per day)

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Last update: 22 May 2024

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