Our activities in Algeria

Algerian woman walks into the office

In Algeria, we operate in the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons and natural gas, sectors in which we are the leading international energy company in the region. Thanks to a long-established partnership, we contribute to increasing and diversifying gas export flows to Europe and Italy. With the Eni Foundation we carry out several initiatives in the country to support the population in the area of health.

Our action in North Africa is made possible and facilitated by the long-standing collaboration with our historical partners. In a context where energy security has become urgent, we contribute to meeting growing local energy consumption, to making the energy mix more efficient and modern and to experimenting with new energy forms. 

Country profile

Activity start date: since 1981

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Community health
Community health

Eni Algeria Production B.V.
Eni Foundation


How we operate in the country

Gas as an ally to face energy challenges in Algeria

We operate across the country to develop natural resources. Our exploration activities are concentrated in the Bir Rebaa desert, the Berkine basin, and the In Amenas and In Salah concessions. They enable us to pursue our gas diversification and supply plan and keep our Net Zero target by 2050.

Our programme for the decarbonization of Algeria

We have signed strategic agreements with our Algerian partner Sonatrach to reduce greenhouse gas and methane gas emissions. They involve energy efficiency initiatives, the development of renewables, hydrogen production, and carbon dioxide capture and storage projects. The Bir Rebaa North photovoltaic park provides clean energy to the production site with two plants and a third one under construction.

At the Solar Lab, a twin laboratory of the Eni Research Centre in Novara which is open to universities and other public institutions for research purposes, we test different types of photovoltaic panels under the extreme radiation conditions found in the desert.

The Eni Foundation contributes to broadening access to health services

We support various initiatives to help reduce illness and mother and child mortality by improving hospital services, providing medical equipment and training health personnel, extending home services to remote areas and supporting mobile clinics.


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)


annual gas production (billion cubic feet)


(billion cubic meters) gas supplied (including LNG)


power of the Bir Reeba North plant


annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)


annual gas production (billion cubic feet)


(billion cubic meters) gas supplied (including LNG)


power of the Bir Reeba North plant

Expand Reduce

Our history in Algeria

We produce gas and renewable energy and share the country's journey towards the energy transition.









Bir Rebaa North will have a new solar plant

The photovoltaic plant will be the second one in the area and will further contribute to decarbonizing the production of hydrocarbons.

The Berkine South fields start production

The gas produced, which is added to that of other operated fields, will help meet the demand of the European market.

Assessment begins for green hydrogen pilot plant

The Memorandum of Understanding signed enables the technical and economic evaluation of a green hydrogen pilot project at Bir Rebaa North.

Algeria agrees to increase gas supplies to Italy

The agreement signed allows us to increase the amount of gas transported via the TransMed pipeline.

Eni signs strategic deal with Sonatrach

The agreement will allow the development of our projects in Algeria to continue.

Eni starts operating in Algeria

Our company started its first operations on Algerian territory.

Enrico Mattei and Algeria. An unforgettable friend (1962-2022)

The book is available only in Italian, French and Arabic language and contains archival documents, articles, photos and unpublished material.

Eni Algeria Production B.V

11 Chemin Mackley Ben Aknoun



Last update: 19 April 2024

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