The Area 1 exploration project exploits the important hydrocarbon reserves in the deep waters of Mexico. Oil and gas are exported by ship through the use of the Floating Production Storage Offloading Unit (FPSO) Miamte. The floating production, storage and offloading facility is built with the latest technology to ensure the safety of people and the environment.
With the first shipment of crude oil having been exported, the country's production is on the rise with a subsequent domestic economic benefit. Thanks to Area 1, we are developing a complex offshore project with Mexico that will be capable of distributing energy to the international market and contributing to security of source supply. The early start of the project also confirms the efficiency of our distinctive fast track approach, which consists of running the acquisition, exploration, development and production phases of the fields in parallel in order to respond more promptly to the demands of the markets.
The project aims to extract the oil and natural gas discovered off the coast of Mexico, in the Bay of Campeche. Its technological core is the Miamte FPSO, a floating structure that allows the production, storage, transport and discharge of extracted hydrocarbons. Area 1 is among our strategic projects. The production of hydrocarbons allows Mexico to have greater quantities of energy for domestic use and to integrate the internal energy development plan with additional sources.
The Miamte MV34 FPSO floating unit has a processing capacity of 90,000 barrels of oil per day, a crude oil storage capacity of 700,000 barrels and a gas processing capacity of 75 million standard cubic feet per day. It was designed with the best technologies to ensure energy efficiency and zero flaring.
Its completion involved five shipyards in three different countries, where five modules and the mooring system jacket were built. In total, the building work required more than 17 million man-hours and was carried out to the highest HSE standards.
The FPSO Miante with its crew working
Control room
The Area 1 project includes an agreement with the Mexican government that we are involved in with a number of initiatives having been launched to help improve conditions for the most disadvantaged communities in the state of Tabasco. More specifically, we are working to reduce school drop-outs, support micro-enterprises, promote healthy eating amongst children and adolescents and ensure access to care.
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
production in Area 1 (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)
estimated hydrocarbons in the area (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)
expected production in plateau phase (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)
production in Area 1 (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)
estimated hydrocarbons in the area (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)
expected production in plateau phase (thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day)
We are active in multiple activities supporting local communities, from education to nutrition and from health services to prevention.
The Miamte offloads/exports its first load/cargo
The Miamte FPSO begins production
The Miamte floating unit arrives in Mexico
Early production from the field begins
The results allowed us to increase the total estimate of hydrocarbons in the area.
The area off the country where the exploration campaign for hydrocarbons will begin was acquired. is a digitally designed platform that offers an immediate overview of Eni's activities. It addresses everyone, recounting in a transparent and accessible way the values, commitment and perspectives of a global technology company for the energy transition.
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