Nooros, onshore and offshore gas production in Egypt

Men on the beach walk near the facility

Nooros is our large natural gas project in the Nile delta in Egypt, with offshore and onshore operations. Production started just two months after the field was discovered, a record made possible by the re-use of existing infrastructure.  In the meantime, new wells and plants have progressively increased production.


Nooros strengthens Egypt's role as a producer and exporter of natural gas.  In addition to ensuring energy for the local market, it contributes to the security of international supply. Thanks to this and to the other gas projects we are developing in the country, including Zohr, Egypt confirms its strategic role for both Eni and the global energy industry.

Project features

Activity start date: 2015 – present


Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas

IEOC Production B.V.


Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC)
Egyptian Natural Gas holding Company (EGAS)

Project development and operation

Natural gas from the Nile delta

The Nooros project produces natural gas from fields in the Nile delta, a region that lies north-east of Alexandria, in Egypt, and includes both shallow water and land. The overall potential of the Great Nooros Area, the region involved in the operations, is enormous. The time to market, the period from the discovery of the reservoir to the start of actual production, was brief: the first gas was extracted, processed and put on the market only two months after the resources were found. Gas production started only two months after the resources were discovered, also by using existing infrastructure. We later built a new pipeline that allows us to transport larger quantities of gas to the El Gamil processing plant.  At the same time, we continued exploring the area and this allowed us to drill new wells that proved to be productive and increased the amount of gas extracted.  The largest share comes from the Abu Madi West concession.  The continuous flow of investments has made Nooros grow year after year, making it the largest active gas project in Egypt.

The development of the Nooros project





Two new wells are discovered

The wells Nidoco NW-1 (Abu Madi West licence) and North El Hammad (Bashrush prospect) are discovered

Pipeline is completed

The pipeline to transport natural gas is ready

Further increase in production

Production reaches 215,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day

Record production

Nooros' production reaches 128,000 boe per day, of which Eni's share is 67,000

Discovery and start-up of production

Nooros is discovered in July and is brought on stream in September

Last update: 03 July 2023

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