Contributing to the conservation of water resources is a fundamental part of Eni’s sustainability objectives. Our work in this area involves establishing and executing a range of measures for responsible and efficient water management, focusing on operational sites situated in areas with water scarcity and maintaining ongoing surveillance of our activities within the region. We take steps to decrease the extraction of freshwater and to substitute it with water from secondary sources (such as rainwater, reclaimed groundwater, treated wastewater, or desalinated water), instead of relying on primary sources (like groundwater, surface water or aqueducts) in an attempt to minimise the effects on local communities and ecosystems.
Eni’s position on water identifies the principles that guide us towards strengthening the commitments set out in the CEO Water Mandate, to which we have adhered since 2019, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Transparency in pursuing these objectives is integral to all our actions and we apply this principle for any company, adhering to the main ESG indicators.
We are committed to achieving water positivity by 2035 in at least 30% of its sites with withdrawals greater than 0.5 Mm³ of high-quality fresh water in water-stressed areas (@2023) and we aim for water positivity by 2050 in our operated sites, inspired by the principles of the Net Positive Water Impact set out by the CEO Water Mandate.
Mapping our journey towards water positivity, we will take a significant step forward in protecting this vital resource during 2024. The aforementioned sites, which we will prioritise for intervention, account for over 90% of the total extraction of high-quality fresh water in water-stressed regions as of 2023. Water positivity involves guaranteeing that, within a river basin, measures to protect yield benefits that surpass the environmental impacts associated with an operational site, such as issues related to water extraction required for industrial processes and the condition of the water discharged back into the local environment. Inspired by Net Positive Water Impact, activities to protect water resources are structured in three pillars: operational excellence, balancing the water footprint, and working with the local area. Each pillar addresses the challenges related to the three dimensions of water stress: availability, quality and accessibility. This approach supports Eni’s commitment to achieving UN SDG 6, aimed at ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation facilities.
Eliminate/reduce the impacts of direct operations.
Balancing the operational footprint in the basin with initiatives to support water availability, accessibility and quality.
Participate in local initiatives for the sustainable use of water resources.
Water availability refers to the volumetric abundance or lack of water in a basin. It can be related to water scarcity, typically calculated as the ratio between human water consumption and the water supply available in each area.
Measurement of the suitability of water for a particular use based on specific physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
Every individual has the right to water and sanitation services that are physically accessible within or in the immediate vicinity of their home, school, workplace or health institution.
Closed water cooling cycles, air cooling circuits, desalination and groundwater treatment plants, advanced treatments for micro-pollutants, water reuse sections.
A wastewater reuse plant has been operating since 2006. Since 2011, recycled water has been used for industrial purposes. Desalinated seawater is also used at the site.
The “Blue Water” project for the development of a proprietary technology for the use of the production water from the COVA (authorised in 2024, plant start-up expected in 2027).
Since 2015, water from GTP has been conveyed to the demineralisation plant and since 2018 it has been fed (together with sea water) into the desalination/demineralisation plant.
Started in 2021, the seawater desalination plant has made it possible to meet the water needs of the field by completely eliminating fresh water withdrawals.
We work to safeguard water and to reduce fresh water withdrawals through the efficient and integrated management of the water needed for operational activities.
Production water refers to water naturally present in the field and associated with the extraction of hydrocarbons, which may contain contaminants (oils, heavy metals or other harmful compounds). We are committed to treating and reusing production water in this respect. Here are some examples:
One of the levers to reduce freshwater withdrawals is to replace them with desalinated water. Desalinated water is fresh water obtained through the desalination process, which involves removing salt and impurities from seawater or other high-salinity sources.
For example, the use of desalinators in Egypt has made it possible to:
We work to safeguard water and to reduce fresh water withdrawals through the efficient and integrated management of the water needed for operational activities.
Production water refers to water naturally present in the field and associated with the extraction of hydrocarbons, which may contain contaminants (oils, heavy metals or other harmful compounds). We are committed to treating and reusing production water in this respect. Here are some examples:
One of the levers to reduce freshwater withdrawals is to replace them with desalinated water. Desalinated water is fresh water obtained through the desalination process, which involves removing salt and impurities from seawater or other high-salinity sources.
For example, the use of desalinators in Egypt has made it possible to:
Regeneration and reuse of water are central to the mission of Eni’s environmental company, which carries out groundwater remediation through the use of increasingly innovative technological solutions.
The Eni-CNR Centre “Ipazia D’Alessandria” in Metaponto, Basilicata, aims to promote innovative solutions and technologies for the efficiency and optimization of water management in farming in order to mitigate the impacts of drought in Mediterranean countries and other strategic areas such as the Horn of Africa, Sahel, and the Middle East.
The activities are part of the sustainability and circularity strategies of the wastewater treatment cycle. Wastewater management represents a significant economic and environmental cost, but it can also turn into a potential economic development opportunity. In fact, recovering and utilizing the vast quantities of water discharged by sewage treatment plants can not only help mitigate the recurring water crises that afflict the agricultural world, but can give concrete development to new supply chains in the bio-agri energy sector.
The joint centre is focused on three main activities:
Details of the projects can be found below.
The research is based on improving the use of water resources, through innovative irrigation systems that reduce the use of water and by studying the bacteria and fungi naturally present in the plants’ root system to make their water absorption more efficient. Further to this, selecting plant genotypes with higher growth capacity in different environments by means of advanced high-throughput automated field phenotyping platforms. This area of activity, which specifically studied the response of selected crops to water stress, involved conducting field campaigns in which crops were subjected to different irrigation regimes; these were lower compared to theoretical requirements. The physiological and agronomic responses of the tested genotypes are periodically studied, to assess the effects of reduced water supply. In addition, the bacterial consortia naturally present in the soil and root system are analysed in order to identify strains with promoting characteristics by laboratory analysis on samples taken in the field that can be used as biostimulants (PGPR) in subsequent campaigns Since the start of the project, four test campaigns have been conducted, two of them with oilseed crops, the results of which will help define optimal water resource management practices.
We work to develop new technologies to treat civil and industrial waste water with the option of being able to reuse the treated water in the agricultural sector (experimental). This can play a role in climate change mitigation by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases while contributing to the sequestration of carbon in the soil. Wastewater is also often the most available resource in many arid areas, with constant flow rates throughout the year and few areas of use. The project involves creating innovative prototypes to treat civil waste water with the aim of reusing the treated water for agricultural irrigation. The prototypes will be located at the water purification plant in the municipality of Ferrandina, and will complement the one built by the School of Engineering of the University of Basilicata (a partner of the Hypatia d 'Alessandria Centre), which is already in operation at the Ferrandina purification plant. Once the experimental treatment plant is up and running, the continuation of activities will consist of irrigating oil crops to compare the effects of irrigation with purified wastewater versus irrigation with spring water.
We work for the optimal management of coastal groundwater, on the one hand mitigating the risk linked to the intrusion of the salt wedge that progressively leads to a salinisation of groundwater with a decrease in the volume of available fresh groundwater and, on the other, the risk of subsidence. The project underway at the Research Centre involves numerically modelling coastal aquifers with the aim of simulating their behaviour under varying environmental conditions and flow rates, mainly for irrigation purposes. The main objective is to create a management tool for the groundwater resource that allows its proper use and avoids the risks of salt wedge intrusion and subsidence that could be generated as a result of excessive pumping. The study area is the north-eastern section of the Metaponto plain. The modelling is supplemented with results from sampling campaigns carried out in the study area.