Our activities in Nigeria

Team of workers inside the plant

Sale of NAOC completed

In August 2024, we closed the sale of Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd (NAOC Ltd), while maintaining our presence in the country through Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) and Agip Energy and Natural Resources (AENR). This transaction was made possible by the agreement signed in September 2023 between Eni and Oando PLC, and the formal approval received in July 2024 from the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), along with all other necessary authorisations from the relevant local and regulatory authorities.

In Nigeria we operate in the exploration sector and in the production of hydrocarbons. Thanks to a series of agreements with partner companies, we contribute to expanding our global portfolio of natural gas (LNG) and the development of activities in the country. As well as through the Green River Project, we have supported the populations of the Niger Delta with extraordinary programmes such as the distribution of staple commodities and reconstruction activities following the floods that have affected the area for decades.

We have a deep-rooted bond with Africa, the continent where we took our first steps outside of Italy. With around 70% of its population aged under 30, it is taking on an increasingly important role on the global geopolitical and economic landscape. Our aim is to support Africa in rising to the challenge of the energy transition, an important part of which is access to clean energy.

Country profile

Activity start date: 1962 – present

Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Access to water and sanitation
Access to water and sanitation
Economic diversification
Economic diversification
Access to off-grid energy
Access to off-grid energy

Agip energy and natural resources (AENR) 
Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) 

Nigeria Congo Ltd

How we operate in the country

From the fields to the development of gas

Our exploration activities take place across a surface area of over 27,000 km². Via the main oil joint venture in the country, we participate in 17 onshore blocks and produce 11 million bbl of oil and condensates a year. Together with Nigeria LNG Ltd, we help manage the Bonny natural gas liquefaction plant, investing in the expansion project with the goal of increasing its annual production capacity by over 30Mtpa by 2024.The plant is set to become one of the world's major LNG hubs and will make it possible to exploit Nigeria’s abundant associated gas resources.

Energy for Nigeria

The Okpai thermoelectric power station is the biggest plant developed in the country by private sector operators and is powered using part of the gas that we produce. It accounts for around 7.3% of the total energy fed into the national distribution network.

Ongoing support for local communities

Green River Project is the programme with which we promote more sustainable agricultural and food production in the country. Through this initiative we contribute to training young farmers and developing their businesses, we support microcredit projects and we assist those taking their first steps in the world of employment.

Thanks to the partnership with the FAO and the state-owned NNPC, in Borno and Yobe, in the north-east of Nigeria, there are 11 water plants powered by photovoltaic systems. A total of 22 wells which, thanks to renewable energy, contribute to domestic irrigation and benefit around 67,000 people.

We also work with the FAO to enable the communities of the north-east of the country to access clean, safe water.



The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)


annual gas production (billion cubic feet)


annual hydrocarbon production (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)


production capacity Bonny plant


annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)


annual gas production (billion cubic feet)


annual hydrocarbon production (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)


production capacity Bonny plant

Expand Reduce

Our history in Nigeria

From the onshore find in the Niger Delta to the delivery of solar-powered water plants, our most important achievements in the country.









Sale of NAOC completed

Eni announced the closing for the transaction of Nigerian Agip Oil Company Ltd (“NAOC”) to Oando PLC.

The solar-powered water plants in the north-east of the country

The systems, which provide water for domestic use and irrigation, were developed as part of the Eni and FAO “Access the water” initiative.

LNG supply contract signed

The contract involves the production of 1.5 million tonnes of LNG by the liquefaction trains that already exist at Bonny Island.

Production begins at Obiafu 41

Just three weeks from the completion of the well in the Niger Delta, Eni begins producing gas, for the domestic market, and condensates.

Initiatives to promote local access to water

The partnership agreement between Eni and the FAO involves the development of wells powered by photovoltaic systems for domestic use and irrigation.

Cooperation in the energy sector

An agreement between the local government and Eni promotes new activities to contribute to the economic and social development of the country.

Eni rewards excellence through specialised scholarships

Through NAE, we have published a call for applications for scholarships aimed at local graduates for studies abroad or at universities in the country, focusing on engineering, geosciences, petroleum economics and petroleum law, for the academic year 2024/2025. The initiative aims to promote the skills of young Nigerians in the energy sector.

The Green River Project, cultivating agricultural entrepreneurship in Nigeria

We are launching programmes to start up local cooperatives and associations in order to foster personal and economic growth.

Nigerian Water Stories, the e-book on water access initiatives

Stories and pictures from our work with FAO in Nigeria: our practical contribution to improving access to water and mitigating the climate crisis in the country.

Last update: 22 August 2024

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