Rovuma LNG: we produce and process gas off the Mozambique coast

African woman and man talking in the office while looking at the computer

The Rovuma LNG project will be the key to developing a series of large gas fields discovered in the Rovuma Basin, offshore Mozambique. Thanks to the planned onshore facilities, the extracted gas will be transformed into liquefied natural gas (LNG) and exported to global markets. 

Rovuma LNG is currently under development and once in production will consolidate Mozambique's role as an energy-producing country, which has already been demonstrated by the start-up of the Coral South project.  The export of LNG will enable the country to support its development path independently and contribute to security of supply.

Project features

Activity start Date: 2019 - under development


Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Liquid natural gas (LNG)
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Access to off-grid energy
Access to off-grid energy
Community health
Community health

Eni Rovuma Basin


China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)


Project development and operation

Liquefied natural gas from offshore Mozambique

The Rovuma LNG project, currently under development, involves the marketing of gas in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by bringing into production a series of large fields discovered in the Rovuma Basin, offshore Mozambique. The first phase of the project concerns three fields in the Mamba complex and will be complemented by the construction of two onshore liquefaction trains, each of which will produce 7.6 million tonnes of LNG per year. 

The initiatives in support of local communities

In addition to producing LNG for international markets, Rovuma LNG will supply Mozambique with up to 17,000 tonnes of LPG per year, improving access to energy for local communities.  Other initiatives for the local communities include the routine and extraordinary maintenance of schools, training programmes and actions to support health in the Maputo, Pemba and Palma area.  The project will also contribute to the growth of the local workforce through targeted recruitment and activities to develop skills.


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.

15 mln

expected LNG production


expected LNG production

2.400 bln

confirmed gas resources in place

15 mln

expected LNG production


expected LNG production

2.400 bln

confirmed gas resources in place

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Last update: 22 June 2023

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