Energy transition, decarbonization, environmental remediation, local development: our activities in Gela are part of an integrated programme for the promotion of the area which started in 2014 and has grown year after year. The centrepiece of this transformation is the biorefinery, the most advanced in Europe, a plant capable of transforming practically any raw material of biological origin into biofuel.
Italy is at the heart of the evolution through which we are responding to the challenges of the energy transition, for example by converting traditional refineries into biorefineries. Other areas in which we are investing are renewables and new mobility solutions, through Plenitude and Enilive. Versalis, the Eni group's chemical company, is also oriented towards the future, with new products derived from renewable sources and inspired by the circular economy. The dismantling and remediation of former industrial sites also continues through Eni Rewind.
The biorefinery in the area is powered by waste-based raw materials and produces high-quality biofuel.
We have started environmental restoration and remediation activities, turning the area into a model of regeneration and technological innovation.
We develop renewable energy projects, from photovoltaic plants to innovative scalable technologies.
We produce hydrocarbons and optimise natural gas fields across the region, a low-emission energy source.
We carry out long-term initiatives to enhance the local area and environment.
The biorefinery in Gela produces quality biofuel (HVO - Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) from raw materials of organic origin. The plant can use second generation (unconventional) feedstocks for up to 100% of its processing capacity and has a high level of operational flexibility. The process is based on our proprietary EcofiningTM technology. The biorefinery is mainly (about 85%) fuelled by waste raw materials, such as waste cooking oil, animal fats and residues from the agro-food industry for the production of biofuels, HVO diesel, bio-LPG, biojet and bio-naphtha for the chemical chain. At Gela we also produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), whose bio-components are processed to create biojet, a fuel that can be blended with conventional products.
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
biomass processed in the Gela biorefinery in 2023
capacity SAF producton
biomass processed in the Gela biorefinery in 2023
capacity SAF producton
The former petrochemical plant in Gela is considered a Site of National Priority, i.e., an area requiring special remediation work as a result of operations carried out over decades by several companies. The environmental remediation of the site is the responsibility of Eni Rewind, Eni's environmental company. The programme, which began with emergency safety works, includes the remediation and monitoring of the aquifer, soil remediation and the demolition of plants, warehouses and buildings. Today, thanks to the commitment of Eni and Eni Rewind, Gela represents a virtuous example of environmental regeneration and technological innovation aimed at creating new development opportunities for the area.
In Gela we are conducting a number of activities in renewable energy. Through Eni Rewind, we have built a photovoltaic plant on the former phosphogypsum landfill site, which has already been made permanently safe. An additional plant was built by Eni New Energy in an area owned by Eni Rewind. In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston and the Polytechnic University of Milan, we also installed the first Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant in the New Oil Centre in Gela. We are currently investigating how to spread this technology on a large scale, for instance to produce energy for self-consumption at other industrial sites. This project is part of SOLARGRID, an initiative partially funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) that aims to support industrial research and experimental development projects.
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
installed capacity of photovoltaic plant
installed capacity of photovoltaic plant built by Eni New Energy
installed capacity of photovoltaic plant
installed capacity of photovoltaic plant built by Eni New Energy
In Sicily, we operate in hydrocarbon production through Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi (EniMed). Operations are coordinated by the Gela Headquarters and include four Oil Centres, three offshore platforms and three gas-fired power stations across the region. In line with our strategy of using natural gas as a low-emission energy source, we started the gas production from the Argo Cassiopea field. The extracted is sent to a new treatment and compression plant at the Gela biorefinery and then fed into the national distribution network. In this way we contribute to the security of supply using the country's own resources. The extraction operations in Gela use the most advanced proprietary monitoring and prevention technologies, so that they can be tested and applied worldwide.
In Gela we carry out a series of activities aimed at supporting the local community and engaging in dialogue with institutions and with all local stakeholders. Respect for and protection of people and the environment are always at the centre of every project. These are essential conditions for creating long-term value. Two examples are the renovation of the “ex Casa-albergo” in the Macchitella district and the training of a group of students through the Italian government's apprenticeship programme and through Joule, Eni's business school. Together with the Municipality of Gela, Fondazione Banco Alimentare and Banco Alimentare della Sicilia ONLUS, we also signed a collaboration agreement for food safety.
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
working for Eni in Gela, of whom 94% reside in Sicily and 70% in the Municipality of Gela
staff training in Gela in 2023
working for Eni in Gela, of whom 94% reside in Sicily and 70% in the Municipality of Gela
staff training in Gela in 2023
Learn more about the sustainability initiatives led by Eni’s operations in Gela. A comprehensive overview of our initiatives to support a fair and sustainable energy transition.
Produced from renewable raw materials, our biofuel contributes to accelerating the energy transition in the sector.