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Relationships with people and partnerships create energy

We operate in a sector where the transition to a sustainable future is an essential goal. For us, this transition can only be right if it is centered on people, with whom we collaborate with passion and team spirit and with whom we build lasting relationships.

The people and relationships we forge with all the entities we work with at different levels are an essential component of our corporate culture for creating shared value. Dialogue helps shape our strategy and our common path towards the energy transition.

People and partnerships: from collaborations for innovation to the Dual Flag

A just transition is also the result of the strong commitment shared by everyone, from top management to every single Eni person.

We welcome diversity in a plural and innovative vision and rely on excellent skills as the engine of our growth. We collaborate with leading universities and research centres and forge important alliances with governments and organisations. In all the countries that host our operations, we build solid partnerships with local communities through our distinctive Dual Flag approach, a shared growth process that promotes local development in parallel with the consolidation of our production activities.

People caring: here's how we take care of our people

We are committed to creating an inclusive work environment, to value the pool of resources that create value with us through their skills.

People, communities, alliances

We believe in the value of agreements and collaborations with partners in the pursuit of our medium- and long-term goals.

People, communities, alliances

We believe in the value of agreements and collaborations with partners in the pursuit of our medium- and long-term goals.

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