In Kazakhstan, we are present in the exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons and natural gas, as well as in the renewable energy sector, with two wind power plants in Badamsha, in the region of Aktobe. The development of projects for the generation of electricity from renewable sources and experimentation with crops from which to extract raw materials for the production of biofuels are part of our commitment in Central Asia, where we create renewable and circular solutions to drive the energy transition. In this area we also focus on gas and new technologies.
We are partners of the Karachaganak field for the production of oil, condensates and natural gas and we are part of the North Caspian Sea PSA consortium responsible for the operations of the Kashagan oil and gas field. We also operate the Isatay and Abay blocks located in Kazakh waters in the Caspian Sea with state-run company Kaz-MunayGas (KMG).
To accelerate the energy transition, we have built the Badamsha 1 and Badamsha 2 wind farms and and started construction of an innovative 250 MW hybrid renewable and gas project in the Mangystau region. The solar and wind power generated will provide stable, low-carbon electricity to KMG facilities in the area, balanced with additional capacity from a gas power plant. The project leverages our international industrial expertise and pioneers the hybrid combination of state-of-the-art renewable power plants. The 50 MW photovoltaic plant inaugurated in the Turkestan region further expands the country’s renewable energy production.
We are also developing hydrogen and agribusiness projects with the state-owned KazMunaiGas, the Samruk-Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund (SK) and QazaqGaz (SK's portfolio company) and have signed additional energy transition and strategic cooperation agreements to share scientific research and develop new technologies.
Badamsha wind farm
Badamsha wind farm
We have launched higher education courses via our Eni Corporate University, in collaboration with leading universities, for example the University of Pavia for the Master Medea and the Kazakh British Technical University (KBTU). To make the roads of the West Kazakhstan Region safer, numerous training activities have been held for police offers, teachers, students and representatives of non-governmental organisations. We have contributed to improving the energy efficiency of a secondary school in Turkistan with the installation of a photovoltaic system, thermostats and insulating film.
The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.
annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)
annual gas production (billion cubic feet)
annual hydrocarbon production (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)
installed capacity from renewable sources
annual oil and condensate production (million barrels)
annual gas production (billion cubic feet)
annual hydrocarbon production (millions of barrels of oil equivalent)
installed capacity from renewable sources
From the development of large fields to projects for the production of clean energy, we accompany the country towards the energy transition.
The start of construction of a facility that will produce wind and solar energy along with a gas power plant in the Mangystau region has been announced.
The plant covers an area of 100 hectares and will be equipped with solar panels and a power substation connected to the local grid.
Badamsha 2 is the second Eni wind energy project in the region of Aktobe and doubles the installed capacity of the Badamsha 1 wind farm which came into operation at the start of 2020.
The farm will supply the Region of Aktobe with electricity.
The MWp farm will be constructed by Eni in the region of Turkistan.
The company will supply onshore wind turbines, 85 metres in height, for the construction of the wind farm.
The conditions for hydrocarbon exploration in Isatay are renewed and it is now possible to develop renewable energy generation projects in the country.
The first lot of crude oil produced by the onshore processing plant will be exported.
The company begins its exploration activities across the country
Thanks to the installation of new reinjection facilities, production capacity has been steadily increased.
The field boasts great potential and is at the same time one of the most complex and challenging industrial projects in the world.
We produce renewable and zero-emission energy in two wind farms and then feed it into the local grid.
Republic of Kazakhstan
16 Dostyk str.
Talan Towers
Republic of Kazakhstan
16 Dostyk str.
Talan Towers
Republic of Kazakhstan
16 Dostyk str.
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