Baleine, there is great energy in Côte d'Ivoire

FPSO Baleine.

Baleine is the largest hydrocarbon discovery made by an energy company in Côte d'Ivoire. Thanks to this discovery, Côte d'Ivoire is also strengthening its role as a regional energy hub for neighbouring countries. Baleine’s gas production is therefore strategic since it will increase domestic and regional supply, while oil production will be instrumental in boosting exports.

In Côte d'Ivoire, as in the rest of the African continent, our business is based on these cornerstones: the path to decarbonization, the cooperation model and the operational model. In addition to strengthening and diversifying our traditional portfolio, which is increasingly focused on enhancing the value of natural gas, we promote new solutions to reduce the overall carbon footprint of our operations. Our goal is to make Baleine the first net-zero field (in terms of Scope 1 and 2 emissions) in Africa.

Project features

Activity start date: 2021 – present

Côte d'Ivoire

Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Access to off-grid energy
Access to off-grid energy
Community health
Community health


Project development and operation

The Baleine model, between speed and waste minimisation

In 2021, Eni discovered an extensive oil and associated gas field 70 km off the coast of Abidjan at a depth of 1,200 metres. It was the first commercial discovery in the country in the past 20 years. Baleine, from the Italian word balena (whale), was developed in record time, following an approach that characterises us. We call it fast track and it consists in running the design, authorisation and execution phases in parallel. Another innovative aspect of the project is the re-use of existing floating units that have been upgraded and technologically enhanced to ensure accelerated deployment, thus optimising costs and schedules and minimising waste of raw and construction materials.

Improved stoves and reduction of carbon footprint

Baleine is set to be the first Net Zero (Scope 1 and 2) upstream development project in Africa. Eni Côte d'Ivoire, in partnership with the Ivorian government and the non-governmental organisation AVSI, is promoting the distribution of around 500,000 improved stoves. The goal is to reduce the consumption of woody biomass and the associated emissions: this environmental benefit translates into the generation of Verified Carbon Units (VCU) certified by international standards, which over the next ten years will offset the residual Scope 1+2 emissions of the field's development.


The data were selected from those contained in our official documents.


equity production of oil equivalent

billion barrels

potential of oil in place


associated gas since start-up

155 k

for forest conservation, restoration and management projects


equity production of oil equivalent

billion barrels

potential of oil in place


associated gas since start-up

155 k

for forest conservation, restoration and management projects

Expand Reduce

Our Sustainability Report in Côte d'Ivoire 2023

Learn about our objectives, commitments and achievements in supporting a socially Just Transition in the country. Explore the Eni Sustainability Local Report in Côte d'Ivoire 2023.

Sustainability Local Report Côte d'Ivoire 2023 (French version)

The development of the Baleine project

The field launch into production.









Eni launches Phase 2 of Baleine

This phase, which aims to significantly increase hydrocarbon production, will help meet local energy demand through the use of processed gas.

Two naval units set sail from Dubai to Côte d'Ivoire

The inauguration of the vessels marks the start of phase 2 of the project, further strengthening the country's role in regional and international energy markets.

An official meeting celebrates the launch of Baleine

The President of Côte d'Ivoire and the CEO of Eni participated in the ceremony for the start of production of Baleine.

Start of oil and gas production

Oil and gas production has started from the Baleine field, off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire, with partner PETROCI.

FPSO Firenze sets sail from Dubai

The ship will allow the field to start production.

The Baleine East 1X well has been drilled

The results of the well confirm the extension of the Baleine field.

NFW Baleine 1X well drilled

The results of the well confirm the extension of the Baleine field.

Last update: 27 December 2024

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