In line with the values expressed in its Code of Ethics, Eni firmly condemns any form of corruption, which, besides being an illegal practice, represents an enormous barrier to sustainable development, distorts fair competition and destroys the reputation of companies.
In line with the “zero tolerance” principle expressed in the Code of Ethics, Eni addresses the risks that the company faces in carrying out its business activities with an articulated system of rules and controls for the prevention of corruption and also instrumental to the prevention of money laundering in the context of the non-financial activities of Eni SpA and its subsidiaries (“Anti-Corruption Compliance Program”). Eni’s Anti-Corruption Compliance Program, developed in accordance with applicable anti-corruption provisions and international conventions, is characterized by its dynamism and constant attention to the evolution of the national and international regulatory landscape and best practices. Eni’s experience in anti-corruption and money laundering issues evolves also through ongoing participation in international conferences and workshops that help Eni to grow, promote and spread its values (PACI, B20, United Nations Global Compact, Foundation Global Compact Network Italy, O&G Compliance Attorney Group, OECD and ICC).
Current anti-corruption regulations of Eni are outlined in the Anti-Corruption Management System Guidelines (hereafter “MSG”) that identifies areas at risk of corruption and money laundering and sets out the general principles to be observed in conducting activities in such areas, as well as specific anti-corruption and bribery tools detailing the applicable regulations for the management of individual business processes at risk of corruption and money laundering.
The adoption and implementation of the Compliance Program is mandatory for Eni SpA and all its subsidiaries in Italy and abroad, each of which adopt it by resolution of the Board of Directors. Companies or entities in which Eni does not have a controlling interest are also required to comply with the standards set out in the anti-corruption regulations, as well as maintaining an adequate internal control system, in line with the provisions of anti-corruption laws.
In the case of third parties or transactions presenting higher profiles of corruption and/or money laundering risk, Eni may require to the third parties the adoption/ maintenance and implementation for the entire duration of the contract of a compliance program to manage the activities at risk in line with Eni’s standard.
To ensure the effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Compliance Program, a dedicated organisational structure was created, with the task of providing specialized centralized anti-corruption and anti-money laundering assistance to Eni and its unlisted subsidiaries in Italy and abroad. It is managed directly by the “Integrated Compliance” Function, which in turn reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer of Eni SpA.
The Anti-Corruption Compliance Program of Eni SpA it is certified in accordance with ISO 37001: 2016 "Antibribery Management Systems".
Eni SpA is the first Italian company to have received this certification in January 2017, for the maintenance of which it is annually subjected by the certifying body to surveillance (twice every three years) and recertification audits (once every three years), which have always concluded with a positive outcome.
The ISO 37301:2021 certification of Eni SpA's entire Compliance Management System was recently added to this certification, effective December 28, 2023.