We are Eni’s Engineering Company. We design the most advanced engineering services applying and developing cutting-edge technologies, in line with Eni evolutionary and strategic path. We pursue efficiency and sustainability in all our activities, putting safety first. We base our work on our people and their skills development, on innovation, ensuring flexibility and quality in our services right from the early design phases of projects.
EniProgetti operates with the aim of responding promptly and in the best possible way to the needs of its stakeholders, contributing as a major player of the energy transition process, also thanks to a continuous enhancement of innovation engineering skills.
EniProgetti provides a portfolio of customized engineering services for the various Eni businesses from the early stages of the projects, developing:
EniProgetti contributes to the development of traditional upstream projects aimed at guaranteeing energy security, downstream and decarbonisation projects, from carbon capture, utilization and storage to energy efficiency, in the field of renewables and circular economy, up to breakthrough technologies such as magnetic confinement fusion. In addition, EniProgetti deals with the execution of studies and specialist services for research projects and technological innovation engineering and implementation.
In addition, EniProgetti provides transversal technical services to support engineering activities, including:
in order to support stakeholders, with a life-cycle approach, in the management and execution of industrial, innovation and sustainability projects.
Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced into Italian law the discipline of administrative liability. On the basis of rules and regulations, companies can be held responsible, and consequently subject to fines, for certain offences, committed or attempted, in Italy or abroad, in the interests or to the advantage of the company by directors or employees. Companies can, therefore, adopt organisational, management and control models to prevent such offences. The organisational model includes the Eni Code of Ethics and consists of a body of principles, rules and functional requirements for the establishment and operation of a control and monitoring system for sensitive activities to prevent the commission of the offences provided for by Legislative Decree No. 231 of 2001. The organisational Model 231/2001 was adopted by the company following a resolution of the Board of Directors on 11 March 2005 and subsequently updated in line with new provisions of the law. The Model foresees that the Supervisory Board, also in its role as Guarantor of the Code of Ethics, is collegial in form and chaired by a professional, from outside Eni , with appropriate experience of the business and company organisation. The Supervisory Board can be contacted using the following:
Supervisory Board EniProgetti S.p.A.
Postal address: Via Emilia, 1 - 20097 San Donato Milanese
email: organismo_di_vigilanza@eni.com
EniProgetti has adopted the Eni norm that states that “Reports, also anonymous, received by Eni and its subsidiaries, directly and indirectly” in order to establish channels of information for the reception, analysis and processing of reports relating to the internal control system issues, the administrative responsibility of the company, fraud or other issues (violation of the Code of Conduct, mobbing, theft, security breaches, etc.), submitted by employees (including top managers), members of the corporate bodies or third parties, also confidentially or anonymously. Eni’s Whistleblowing policy can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.
Reports, also anonymous, can be made by clicking here
Registered office
Via delle Industrie, 39
30175 Venezia Marghera - Italy
Via Maritano, 26
20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) - Italy
Eni House, Basing View
Basingstoke Hampshire. RG21 4YY. UK