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Eni and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation sign collaboration agreement in Mozambique

Maputo (Mozambique), 16 March 2021 - Eni, through its subsidiary Eni Rovuma Basin (ERB), and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Mozambique, signed today in Maputo, in the presence of the Ambassador of Italy in Mozambique Gianni Bardini, a memorandum of understanding to identify possible collaboration opportunities in the areas of technical education and training, food safety and nutrition, health, access to energy and economic diversification with particular reference to agriculture.

The initiatives will prioritize the province of Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, where by virtue of the historical relationship between Italy and Mozambique, the Italian Cooperation has intervened since the 1970s with humanitarian and development projects, promoting inclusive growth and sustainable management of natural resources in favour of the most disadvantaged sections of the population.

In the same region Eni, which is present in Mozambique since 2006, discovered significant natural gas resources between 2011 and 2014.

All initiatives will be defined in accordance with the Government of Mozambique’s strategic objectives for social development, which are reflected in AICS’ actions in the country.

The agreement promotes and strengthens the Italian system abroad, and fits in Eni’s and AICS’ strategy to leverage public-private partnerships, which the United Nations indicates as a key tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Also, this agreement is in line with the Italian law on cooperation 125/2014 which recognizes the contribution of the private sector in defining and implementing sustainable development projects.

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