Eni Rovuma Basin delivers a new Intensive Care Unit and Radiology services equipped with Computerized Tomography Scan at Pemba Provincial Hospital

Pemba (Mozambique), November 11, 2024 – Eni Rovuma Basin, on behalf of the Area 4 Partners, inaugurated today the new Intensive Care Unit and Radiology services at Pemba Provincial Hospital together with the Minister of Health, Dr. Armindo Tiago, and the Secretary of State of Cabo Delgado Province, António Supeia.

This project was implemented under the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Ministry of Health (MISAU) in December 2022, aimed at supporting the government in reinforcing the National Health Services and includes the strengthening of the Radiology Services and the installation of a Computerized Tomography Scan (CT Scan), as well as the enlargement of the Intensive Care Unit to accommodate 4 additional beds fully equipped with modern technology. A new pharmacy block and a waiting room for the patients were also built.    

“Access to health care is fundamental for the strengthening of the communities in the Cabo Delgado Province and we are proud to be handing over the first CT scan device, which is the only one currently available across Cabo Delgado province, allowing patients to have quick access to medical examinations and diagnoses that were previously carried out outside the province. With this gesture, we are once again reaffirming our commitment to continue contributing to the sustainable development of Cabo Delgado”, said Marica Calabrese, General Manager of Eni Rovuma Basin.     

In addition to the rehabilitation works and the installation of medical equipment, the support also foresees the training of doctors, nurses and technicians from the radiology services, in order to provide them with the necessary skills to operate the new material. This partnership with the Mozambican health authorities, comes from a long and successful experience, started in Cabo Delgado in 2013 with Eni and Eni Foundation projects and now reaffirms Area 4´s commitment to continue promoting the well-being of the communities, contributing to greater access to primary health care, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Eni has been present in Mozambique since 2006. Between 2011 and 2014, the company discovered vast natural gas resources in the Rovuma Basin, in the Coral, Mamba Complex and Agulha reservoirs, with around 2,400 billion cubic meters of gas in place. Eni is the delegated operator of Coral South project, the first to produce gas in the Rovuma Basin and which has so far exported more than 80 shipments of LNG, putting Mozambique in the global map of LNG exporting countries. The company is also promoting initiatives to boost the country’s energy transition; among these, the clean cooking program, which promotes the use of more energy efficient cooking solutions, and the agri-feedstock project that is integrating Mozambique into the biofuel value chain. Eni also contributes to improving the country’s economic diversification, access to education and health.         

Area 4 is operated by Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A. (MRV), a joint venture owned by Eni, ExxonMobil and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which holds 70% of participation interest in the Area 4 Concession and Production Contract. In addition to MRV, the other partners are Galp, KOGAS and ENH, each with a 10% participation.

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