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The data on this page will be updated following the presentation of the Eni’s Strategic Plan 2025-2028.

Partnerships and advocacy initiatives for carbon neutrality

Flags of different nationalities

Through partnerships we contribute to supporting the energy transition, sharing best practices and creating value for the company and stakeholders. At the same time, we promote dialogue with governments, legislators and other companies to shape or support global policies and regulations that incentivise climate change mitigation. We directly engage with governments and legislators and through trade associations or multi-sectoral coalitions. 

Partners in the energy industry

Collaborations with other players in the energy sector are a key tool for the energy transition journey. These are some of our main partnerships:


We have been promoting various initiatives to involve the entire value chain for some time. Learn more about the relations with our suppliers:

  • eniSpace: a collaborative platform dedicated to Eni's suppliers where information can be found for those who collaborate or want to collaborate with Eni by sharing common goals and values
  • Sustainable Procurement: Eni shares values, commitments and objectives with the supply chain, verifies the ESG positioning of its suppliers and engages them in a sustainable growth journey by providing programmes for the continuous improvement of ESG performance
  • Open-es: a unique platform where the sustainability data sharing component is complemented by a particular focus on growth and collaboration between companies, through a simple, flexible and tailor-made approach.

Climate advocacy

Aware of the centrality of national and international institutions for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, we dialogue with policy-makers both directly and through trade associations. We therefore help to define strategies and standards to accelerate the transition to Net Zero, underpinned by the principles we consider essential in combating climate change in every context. These are some of our main activities:


  • we support the goals of the Paris Agreement and Net Zero by 2050. E.g. Eni is committed to make its contribution to achieving the 2050 Net Zero target of the Paris Agreement and has therefore set a Net Zero Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions target by 2050, associated with Eni’s entire value chain, both in absolute terms and in terms of intensity. Moreover, Eni:
    • plans to install more than 15 GW of renewable capacity by 2030 (3 GW in 2023), contributing to the global target set by the COP28 of tripling installed renewable capacity by 2030
    • supports the widespread use of transition fuels such as biofuels that enable cost-efficient emission reductions, particularly in hard-to-abate sectors (e.g. aviation and heavy transport) and make use of existing infrastructure
    • welcomes the call for CCUS in the international context as a technology necessary to achieve Net Zero and a solution that will play an important role in reducing emissions from its own operations as well as from the hard-to-abate sectors and for the production of low-carbon hydrogen
    • recognises the importance of significantly reducing methane emissions by 2030 and confirms that it has already achieved the Upstream emission intensity target of below 0.2% (0.08% by 2022). Over the last five years (2018-2022), Eni has more than halved its direct methane emissions, reducing the fugitive component by around 80%.
  • • we acknowledge the role of natural gas in the transition. E.g. Reducing methane emissions, April 2022 New rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector. We support the proposal for an EU-wide law to cut methane emissions, with the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. In this regard, we share the European Commission’s goal of improving the accuracy of source information and reducing methane emissions. We also suggest improving the proposed regulation, taking into account that the requirements should balance the rate of emissions and the associated likelihood of occurrence with the costs for operators to comply with the obligations
  • we support carbon pricing mechanisms. E.g. November 2020 – Updating the EU Emissions Trading System. In the long run, a uniform carbon price may become the most efficient policy instrument to achieve climate goals. • However, the mechanism must be carefully designed to adequately protect the industry against the risks of carbon leakage
  • we support increased energy efficiency and the development of low and zero carbon technologies. E.g. November 2020 – Review of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency. We support a review of the EED with more ambitious 2030 targets, where we see a strong role for energy efficiency, particularly considering the goal of an increasingly integrated energy system
  • we promote the role of Natural Climate Solutions and are committed to developing NCS projects that generate high-quality carbon credits used to offset residual emissions. E.g. Carbon Removal, May 2022 -  Certification of carbon removals – EU rules. We welcome and support the European Commission’s initiative on the certification of carbon removal solutions. We believe that harmonising the rules on the certification of all types of carbon removal activities at a European level will increase the confidence of private actors in the development of such solutions, since the environmental and social benefits of their implementation are clear. This will also facilitate decision-making and encourage investment in this market
  • we support transparency and climate disclosure. E.g. Climate disclosure standards: August 2022 – EFRAG Draft of European Sustainability Reporting Standards E1 - Climate Change. We support the proposal for a European climate reporting standard and believe that, in general, the requirements proposed by EFRAG are useful to ensure comprehensive reporting on companies’ decarbonization strategy. We hope that the most important international standard setters will soon issue clear guidance on the metrics required by the standard whose calculation methodologies are still debated.

These principles are published in the guidelines on Eni's Responsible Engagement which we first issued in 2020.

Renewables and low carbon fuels

February 2024 - Renewable energy – guidance on designating renewables acceleration areas

We support the European Commission’s initiative to provide guidance for acceleration areas (AAs) under the Renewable Energy Directive.  


March 2024 - Design elements of renewable energy auctions (guidance)

We support the European Commission’s objective of promoting uniform standards at EU level for renewable energy auctions, in order to build an integrated market and ensure their rapid and widespread adoption. Further harmonisation of auction design principles by Member States could in fact reduce transaction costs and promote healthy competition among developers.


October 2024 – Delegated Act specifying a methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions savings from low-carbon fuels

We support the EU’s objective to define clear and stable rules for investors in the hydrogen supply chain and to contribute to the development of the European hydrogen market. We believe that some of the proposed requirements should be proportionate, clear and not entail significant barriers to the implementation of low-carbon hydrogen and low-carbon fuel projects. 


November 2024 - Renewable and recycled carbon fuels – extending the scope of traceability of the EU database

Eni supports the continuous improvement of the Union Database as a tool to track transactions of renewable or recycled carbon fuels and the respective raw materials used for their production, from the point of origin of the raw materials to the point where the fuels are placed on the EU market for final consumption.


May 2024 - Food safety – updated rules for imports of used cooking oil (UCO)

We suggest that the Commission should: 

  • provide further guidance on the requirements necessary for a third country supplier to fall under the definition of “approved or registered establishment or facility in a third country”
  • publish a per-country update and a detailed and robust procedure for importing UCOs, including rules, necessary documents, local competent authorities and support agencies in third countries, and make it available to operators and authorities in third countries.

Magnetic confinement fusion 

May 2024 - Public Consultation on Euratom Research and Training Programmes 2026-2027

Eni is committed to promoting the industrial development of magnetic confinement fusion as a key technology to achieve decarbonisation objectives. Fusion technology is a key solution to achieve the European goal of zero emissions, perfectly integrating the imperatives of decarbonisation and energy independence. 


August 2024 - Call for Evidence: Fusion for Energy joint undertaking – Interim Evaluation

We believe that ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) remains a highly significant project for the development of fusion technology, representing one of the largest and most ambitious international efforts to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of fusion. We believe in and work hard to advance fusion energy, demonstrating our dedication to driving innovation in energy technologies and ensuring a sustainable energy future.


EU Emissions Trading System

July 2024 - Emissions trading system (ETS) Monitoring and Reporting Regulation amendment in response to the ETS revision

We propose to align the EU ETS compliance rules with the provisions of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, in particular by suggesting the removal of the “physical constraint” that allows aircraft operators to claim only the sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) allowances physically purchased at the same departure airport for ETS purposes. In the same vein, we propose to remove the “physical constraint” that limits aircraft operators to requesting free allowances only in proportion to eligible aviation fuels purchased at the same departure airport.


December 2024 - Aviation fuels & emissions trading – calculating the price difference between eligible fuels and kerosene (detailed rules)

With regard to the communication of the actual prices paid by aircraft operators for SAFs, we draw attention to the serious risks of breach of confidentiality arising from the proposed calculation for the price of eligible aviation fuels.


August 2023 – Industrial Carbon Management Strategy

We believe that CCS is an essential tool to achieve carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050: a necessary lever in the process of reducing hard-to-abate emissions from the industrial, thermal and electricity sectors. It is also an effective solution to reduce emissions from current hydrogen production and to support the start-up of a clean hydrogen economy. 

Climate disclosure standards

August 2022 – EFRAG Draft of European Sustainability Reporting Standards E1 - Climate Change

We support the proposal for a European climate reporting standard and believe that, generally speaking, the requirements proposed by EFRAG are useful to ensure comprehensive reporting on companies' decarbonization strategy. We hope that the most important international standard setters will soon issue clear guidance on the metrics required by the standard whose calculation methodologies are still debated.


July 2022 - International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Exposure Draft S2 on Climate-related Disclosures

We supported the ISSB's draft climate disclosure standard, the requirements of which are based on the 4 key areas for users and preparers already outlined by the TCFD (Governance, Risk Management, Strategy and Targets & Metrics). It complements these minimum cross-sectoral requirements with a sectoral disclosure to capture the specific needs of different sectors. We would like the sectoral requirements to be developed further, including by comparison with specific, recognized and widely adopted standards (e.g. for the O&G sector, the IPIECA/API/IOGP standard). Based on this draft, the ISSB published the IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures in June 2023.


June 2022 – US SEC Proposed rule for the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

In its response letter to the SEC, Eni supported the Commission's decision to develop a mandatory climate disclosure standard for companies, including a GHG Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reporting requirement. While developing this standard, Eni suggested that the Commission build on existing guidelines on the matter, such as the TCFD Recommendations, and work towards convergence between this standard and those being developed by other major international regulators (e.g. EFRAG, ISSB).

Carbon Removal

May 2022 - Certification of carbon removals – EU rules

We welcome and support the European Commission's initiative on the certification of carbon removal solutions. We believe that harmonising the rules on the certification of all types of carbon removal activities at a European level will increase the confidence of private actors in the development of such solutions, with the environmental and social benefits of their implementation being clear. This will also facilitate decision-making and encourage investment in this market.

Reducing methane emissions

April 2022 - New rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector
We support the proposal for an EU-wide law to cut methane emissions, with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. In this regard, we share the European Commission's goal of improving the accuracy of source information and reducing methane emissions. We also suggest improving the proposed regulation, taking into account that the requirements should balance the rate of emissions and the associated likelihood of occurrence with the costs for operators to comply with the obligations.

January 2022 - Methane Guiding Principles Signatory Reporting
Through its participation in the Methane Guiding Principles initiative, Eni is committed to supporting methane policies and regulations that encourage early action, drive improved performance, facilitate appropriate implementation and support flexibility and innovation. In a subset of the Methane Guiding Principles initiative, detailed recommendations were developed to support appropriate European Union (EU) legislation to achieve ambitious methane emission reduction results across the entire supply chain of natural gas consumed in the EU.

Renewables and low carbon fuels

February 2024 - Renewable energy – guidance on designating renewables acceleration areas

We support the European Commission’s initiative to provide guidance for acceleration areas (AAs) under the Renewable Energy Directive.  


March 2024 - Design elements of renewable energy auctions (guidance)

We support the European Commission’s objective of promoting uniform standards at EU level for renewable energy auctions, in order to build an integrated market and ensure their rapid and widespread adoption. Further harmonisation of auction design principles by Member States could in fact reduce transaction costs and promote healthy competition among developers.


October 2024 – Delegated Act specifying a methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions savings from low-carbon fuels

We support the EU’s objective to define clear and stable rules for investors in the hydrogen supply chain and to contribute to the development of the European hydrogen market. We believe that some of the proposed requirements should be proportionate, clear and not entail significant barriers to the implementation of low-carbon hydrogen and low-carbon fuel projects. 


November 2024 - Renewable and recycled carbon fuels – extending the scope of traceability of the EU database

Eni supports the continuous improvement of the Union Database as a tool to track transactions of renewable or recycled carbon fuels and the respective raw materials used for their production, from the point of origin of the raw materials to the point where the fuels are placed on the EU market for final consumption.


May 2024 - Food safety – updated rules for imports of used cooking oil (UCO)

We suggest that the Commission should: 

  • provide further guidance on the requirements necessary for a third country supplier to fall under the definition of “approved or registered establishment or facility in a third country”
  • publish a per-country update and a detailed and robust procedure for importing UCOs, including rules, necessary documents, local competent authorities and support agencies in third countries, and make it available to operators and authorities in third countries.

Magnetic confinement fusion 

May 2024 - Public Consultation on Euratom Research and Training Programmes 2026-2027

Eni is committed to promoting the industrial development of magnetic confinement fusion as a key technology to achieve decarbonisation objectives. Fusion technology is a key solution to achieve the European goal of zero emissions, perfectly integrating the imperatives of decarbonisation and energy independence. 


August 2024 - Call for Evidence: Fusion for Energy joint undertaking – Interim Evaluation

We believe that ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) remains a highly significant project for the development of fusion technology, representing one of the largest and most ambitious international efforts to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of fusion. We believe in and work hard to advance fusion energy, demonstrating our dedication to driving innovation in energy technologies and ensuring a sustainable energy future.


EU Emissions Trading System

July 2024 - Emissions trading system (ETS) Monitoring and Reporting Regulation amendment in response to the ETS revision

We propose to align the EU ETS compliance rules with the provisions of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, in particular by suggesting the removal of the “physical constraint” that allows aircraft operators to claim only the sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) allowances physically purchased at the same departure airport for ETS purposes. In the same vein, we propose to remove the “physical constraint” that limits aircraft operators to requesting free allowances only in proportion to eligible aviation fuels purchased at the same departure airport.


December 2024 - Aviation fuels & emissions trading – calculating the price difference between eligible fuels and kerosene (detailed rules)

With regard to the communication of the actual prices paid by aircraft operators for SAFs, we draw attention to the serious risks of breach of confidentiality arising from the proposed calculation for the price of eligible aviation fuels.


August 2023 – Industrial Carbon Management Strategy

We believe that CCS is an essential tool to achieve carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050: a necessary lever in the process of reducing hard-to-abate emissions from the industrial, thermal and electricity sectors. It is also an effective solution to reduce emissions from current hydrogen production and to support the start-up of a clean hydrogen economy. 

Climate disclosure standards

August 2022 – EFRAG Draft of European Sustainability Reporting Standards E1 - Climate Change

We support the proposal for a European climate reporting standard and believe that, generally speaking, the requirements proposed by EFRAG are useful to ensure comprehensive reporting on companies' decarbonization strategy. We hope that the most important international standard setters will soon issue clear guidance on the metrics required by the standard whose calculation methodologies are still debated.


July 2022 - International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Exposure Draft S2 on Climate-related Disclosures

We supported the ISSB's draft climate disclosure standard, the requirements of which are based on the 4 key areas for users and preparers already outlined by the TCFD (Governance, Risk Management, Strategy and Targets & Metrics). It complements these minimum cross-sectoral requirements with a sectoral disclosure to capture the specific needs of different sectors. We would like the sectoral requirements to be developed further, including by comparison with specific, recognized and widely adopted standards (e.g. for the O&G sector, the IPIECA/API/IOGP standard). Based on this draft, the ISSB published the IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures in June 2023.


June 2022 – US SEC Proposed rule for the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

In its response letter to the SEC, Eni supported the Commission's decision to develop a mandatory climate disclosure standard for companies, including a GHG Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reporting requirement. While developing this standard, Eni suggested that the Commission build on existing guidelines on the matter, such as the TCFD Recommendations, and work towards convergence between this standard and those being developed by other major international regulators (e.g. EFRAG, ISSB).

Carbon Removal

May 2022 - Certification of carbon removals – EU rules

We welcome and support the European Commission's initiative on the certification of carbon removal solutions. We believe that harmonising the rules on the certification of all types of carbon removal activities at a European level will increase the confidence of private actors in the development of such solutions, with the environmental and social benefits of their implementation being clear. This will also facilitate decision-making and encourage investment in this market.

Reducing methane emissions

April 2022 - New rules to prevent methane leakage in the energy sector
We support the proposal for an EU-wide law to cut methane emissions, with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. In this regard, we share the European Commission's goal of improving the accuracy of source information and reducing methane emissions. We also suggest improving the proposed regulation, taking into account that the requirements should balance the rate of emissions and the associated likelihood of occurrence with the costs for operators to comply with the obligations.

January 2022 - Methane Guiding Principles Signatory Reporting
Through its participation in the Methane Guiding Principles initiative, Eni is committed to supporting methane policies and regulations that encourage early action, drive improved performance, facilitate appropriate implementation and support flexibility and innovation. In a subset of the Methane Guiding Principles initiative, detailed recommendations were developed to support appropriate European Union (EU) legislation to achieve ambitious methane emission reduction results across the entire supply chain of natural gas consumed in the EU.

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