New generations, new energy

 Guys sitting around the table talking to each other

New generations for a different future

The energy transition requires a transformation process that implies great attention not only towards the development of innovative technologies, but also towards the new generations. People are the real levers of a fair transition, and the contribution of future resources will be decisive for a different idea of what tomorrow looks like. The unique skills of people have been the energy of Eni for 70 years in a close connection of tradition and innovation that is constantly evolving to respond to global challenges, without neglecting the concrete needs of the country.


For a company that wants to undertake a paradigm shift, it is essential to update the picture of people and their needs. Just as intercepting the work requirements of new generations is today crucial for the path towards carbon neutrality

A global and open community to diversity

The commitment to inclusion of all, regardless of gender, origin, sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic, flows into awareness-raising and monitoring actions that ensure that all people in Eni can freely express their individuality and give their contributions. All this stems from the central role played by the Company’s Code of Ethics and the Zero Tolerance Policy, against any type of discrimination, harassment, abuse and violence in the workplace.

The commitment to inclusion of all, regardless of gender, origin, sexual affective orientation or any other personal characteristic, flows into awareness-raising and monitoring actions that ensure that all people in at Eni can freely express their individuality and give make their own contributions. All this stems from the central role played by the Company’s rporate Code of Ethics and the Zero Tolerance Policy, against any all kindstype of discrimination, harassment, abuse and violence in the workplace.

Onboarding programme

For the new hires, the so-called “'onboarding”’, is a delicate phase of professional life: therefore,  in the orientation path to their entry into the company, they are accompanied by Managers and Tutors in their work activity and supported in achieving the required objectives.


Parallel to the induction programme, the new employees can seek feedback and share with their manager the progress of the work done. Surveys, performance evaluation and feedback meetings are the tools that Eni uses to support professional growth, on a periodic or annual basis, to allow everyone to effectively express their potential.

Training activities in an innovative environment

For new generation, the possibility of accessing training opportunities is crucial. For this reason, we offer targeted training proposals to young graduates leaving university.


These are programmes created in collaboration with prestigious Italian universities, such as the Polytechnic of Turin, the Polytechnic of Milan and the University of Pavia, which offer transversal training in the energy sector. The aim is to acquire specialised skills for all-round placement, from administration, finance and control to international relations, and from research and development to exploration.

Our Master's programmes

We develop training programs in collaboration with Italian Universities, using innovative learning methodologies and placing the person at the centre, to integrate training with the business skills of the future.

Continuos Learning

Young employees recruits are guaranteed the acquisition of new skills and knowledge on a continuous basis, known in Eni as “Continuous Learning”, both through advanced  teaching methodologies, such as virtual reality and gamification tools, and with the activities designed and delivered by its subsidiary Eni Corporate University which aim to enhance the individual’s skills according to needs and different learning styles.


A welfare system defined according to people’s needs

Sustainability is a transversal concept that goes from the environment to private life of people. It is no coincidence that the new generations are increasingly interested in their “work-life balance”.  Eni’s welfare tools aim to promote a sustainable lifestyle. In this direction, there are forms of flexibility of working hours and the possibility of carrying out the work performance  from home, which favours the reduction of travel, also benefiting the environment.


Corporate welfare has always been an important element of Eni’s history and Employer Identity  which places people at the heart of its business strategy, positioning itself as a “caring company” a company that promotes an ongoing commitment to caring for its people to create a shared value chain.


This dimension of caring over time has been embodied in a system of benefits and supplementary corporate welfare that includes a set of services, initiatives and tools aimed at improving the quality of work and life of employees and their families, providing for interventions in the areas of health, social security, income support, housing and support in family management: from day-care to babysitting, disability and caregiving assistance – to initiatives related to the area of insurance and financial services, finding housing solutions for new recruits who come off-site.


Special attention is paid to healthcare with qualified medical care also aimed at family members, measures for prevention, with the possibility of adhering to screenings and check-ups, and psychological support, with a counselling and social assistance services.


Psychophysical well-being also passes through everyday habits, and with this in mind, there are several initiatives to promote a healthy lifestyle, from quality company catering to the possibility of  subsidized season tickets at numerous sports centres. Finally, to contribute to people’s quality of life in the cultural sphere as well, several conventions have been activated to have access to various initiatives such as visits to museum, to attend concerts and theatre performances.

An intergenerational alliance

The recognition of people's needs strengthens the sense of belonging in Eni and expresses the feeling of an intergenerational alliance, in which different ideas, cultures and professional skills flow. Teamwork reshapes the future.

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