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Privacy Information Notice

Headquarters Eni Rome


Eni has a IT application called APP COMUNICATION IN EMERGENCY ("APP CIE") provided to all Eni users who decided to download it from the mobile application store of their device ("Users") and aimed at spreading communications in the event of an emergency or events relevant to personal safety.

This privacy information notice allows you to know the nature of your personal data, the purpose and manner of data processing, any recipients of it and the rights that are recognized to data subjects by the law.

1. Identity and contact details of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is Eni S.p.A., with registered office in Rome, Piazzale Enrico Mattei 1. 

2. Contact details of Data Protection Officer

Eni has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at the following email address

3. Origin and category of personal data

APP CIE offers to Users the opportunity to register with the App by entering their company credentials (digital ID) and the mobile phone number of the device with which they are registering.

Additional data may include:

  1. the data relating to your geolocation, only in case of emergency and if expressly authorized;
  2. optional personal data (i.e. data which is optional), transmitted during communications in the event of an emergency.

Among the optional personal data listed above can be included also particular categories of data – in accordance to art. 9 of GDPR - such as those eligible to disclose health status as well as those of relevance for any contractual and non-contractual initiative to support needs arising from the health status of employees.

4. Purpose and legal basis of data processing

The collection and processing of the data indicated in paragraph 3 above will be carried out exclusively for the purpose of protecting personnel in emergency situations.

The personal information, collected exclusively during the registration phase, will be necessary in order to be able to activate all the appropriate actions in case of need. Any lack of data will make impossible for Eni to guarantee the purpose of the processing described above.

In particular, geolocation data will be processed with your express consent through the procedure made available by your device. The consent may be withdrawn at any time by following the instructions of the device, without this affecting the lawful of the processing based upon the consent given before the withdrawal. The geolocation will remain active only until the end of the emergency, unless denied.

The collected personal data will only be used for the purposes described above. No personal data will be spread to reveal information about your health status.

At any time, you will have the right to delete your registration in APP CIE resulting in cancellation of your phone number from the system.

5. Recipients of personal data

Recipients of your data may be, in addition to the operating units whose personnel is specifically authorized for the processing of personal data, Eni S.p.A. and its subsidiaries abroad as well as third parties that Eni will take advantage of within the purposes described above.

In addition, Eni may also disclose your personal data to public or private security forces, such as, but not limited to, police, armed forces and other public administrations. In such cases, according to applicable data protection legislation, the requirement to acquire the person's prior consent to those communications is excluded.

We provide you with our utmost care so that the disclosure of your personal data to those recipients is only for the data necessary to achieve the specific purposes to which they are intended.

6. Data retention period

The data will be retained for a period of time no longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed in accordance with the statutory obligations and / or for defense purposes of the Company. In relation to the geolocation data, they will be processed for the duration of the emergency and then disabled / deleted, unless previously disabled via the device.

7. Rights of data subjects

As data subject, you are granted the following rights to personal data collected and processed by Eni: (i) the right of access, in particular by requesting, at any time, confirmation of the existence of your personal data within Eni archives and the clear and intelligible provision of such information, as well as the right to know the origin and purpose of the processing with express and specific indication of the subjects authorized to process data, the data processors and third party who may be provided with personal data; (ii) the right to obtain the update and correction of data (except evaluation data), the deletion of unnecessary data or the anonymous processing, as well as the blocking of processing and permanent deletion in the event of unlawful processing; and (iii) if the requirements are met, the limitation of processing and the portability of data.

The law also grants you the option of complaining to the Data Protection Authority if you find a violation of your rights under applicable data protection law.

You may exercise the rights listed above by writing to Eni's Data Protection Officer at

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