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Eni signs an agreement on renewables in Tunisia

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 30th November 2016 – Eni signed today in Tunis a cooperation agreement for the development of projects generating energy from renewable sources with the state company Entreprise Tunisienne d'Activités Pétrolières (ETAP), under the patronage of the Tunisian minister of Energy, Mines and Renewable Energies.


The agreement strengthens the relations between Eni and ETAP, facilitates the development of new business opportunities and contributes to the energy development plan of the country.


This initiative is part of Eni's activities relaunch in Tunisia and broadens the scope of cooperation of the two companies through implementation of renewable energy projects also targeting the optimization of the oil sites energy resources and reduction of CO2 emissions, in line with Eni’s strategic objectives.


The agreement was signed at the international conference "Tunisia 2020", which aims to promote support to the economic, social and sustainable development of Tunisia.


Eni operates in Tunisia in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons since the early 60's, with the discovery of El Borma oil field, still operating. Eni's production in the country currently stands on 11 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day.

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