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Local Content and Sustainable Development in Pemba, Mozambique

A workshop with the objective of raising awareness objective of raising the awareness regarding the different local content initiatives and sustainability projects being carried out in Mozambique under the implementation of the Coral South Project.

On the 14th March, Eni Rovuma Basin, one of Eni Subsidiaries in Mozambique, organized in the City of Pemba, a workshop entitled “Local Content and Sustainable Development Coral South Project”. The event counted with the participation of main stakeholders, among them, the Government of Mozambique, NGOs, Contractors and Social projects Implementation Partners.


The event started with a welcome speech by the General Manager of ERB - Filippo Maioli, stressing ERB’s commitment to the maximization of the local content development. Followed by welcoming speech of His Excellence António Mapurre, the Permanent Secretary of the Province of Cabo Delgado, who congratulated ERB for the initiative of involving both private sector and civil society in such event and for continuing to invest despite the daily challenges presented by the Country.


During the workshop, the Local Content Plan and Sustainability Plan initiatives being implemented by ERB jointly with its contractors and partners for the project were presented.


The Coral South Local content Strategy focuses on the workforce development, local suppliers’ development and socio-economic development, while the Sustainability Plan aims at improving access to basic services such as water and education of the communities; as well as initiatives focusing at promoting economic inclusion in some priority areas like agriculture, clean cooking and rural electrification.


During the workshop, Eni Rovuma Basin (ERB) and the Universidade Lurio (Unilurio) signed a Partnership Agreement for Community Development and Biodiversity Protection in the City of Pemba and Vamizi Island, in the Province of Cabo Delgado. This initiative is part of the implementation of the Coral South Project Sustainability Plan.


As closing remarks, ERB Sustainability Manager, Stefano Saviano reiterated that it is Eni´s intent to establish a long-term partnership with Mozambique and therefore an open and transparent dialogue, with the Government, Local Communities, Business Associations and Civil Society is essential to the long-term success of Coral South Project.

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