Director elected from the list presented by the Ministry of the economy and finance. Born in Rome in 1972, he has been Eni Director since May 2023.
He is a lawyer, currently General Manager and Director of Directorate I of the Treasury Department at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He is a Director and member of the Remuneration Committee of TELT – Lyon-Turin Euroalpine Tunnel.
He began his career at the Compagno associates law firm, and went on to participate in the final stage of the 2nd management training course-competition and took on the role of lawyer at the Tiber River Basin Authority, a public body responsible for the protection of land (from 2001 to 2002).
Since 2002 he has held managerial positions in Directorates III, IV, V and VI of the Treasury Department - Ministry of Economy and Finance.
He was a member of the Higher Council of the Sicily Foundation (from 2016 to 2019), a Director of Poste Tutela SpA, a company of Poste Italiane Group (from 2013 to 2016), and of MEFOP SpA, a majority state-owned company for the development of pension funds (from 2013 to 2019).
He has extensive, meaningful experience in the economic-financial sector, both at international and European level, in administrative, accounting and management procedures; he has considerable knowledge of risk monitoring and management, and has developed skills in the analysis of problems relating to international and domestic law and economics, banking, finance, business, the prevention of tax and financial crimes and market abuse, primarily gained through pre-legislative work at national, European and international level (definition of standards and international recommendations).
He was Professor at the Sapienza, Tor Vergata and LUISS Guido Carli universities in Rome.
He graduated in law from the Sapienza University of Rome, where he also gained a PhD in administrative law.
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