Director elected from the list presented by italian and foreign institutional investors. Born in Brindisi in 1962, he has been Eni Director since May 2023. He is Full Professor of Corporate Finance at the Faculty of Economics of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan; founder and Director of FIN-GOV (Centre for financial research on corporate governance of the Catholic University). He is a member of the Steering Committee of Cor-Gov (Master II level in Corporate Governance), of the teaching board of the Doctorate in Economics and Finance, and the committee of the Department of Economics and Business Management.
He is a member of the Italian Academy of Business Economics (AIDEA) and the Association of Professors of Economics of Financial Market Intermediaries (ADEIMF). He is also a member of the Rivista Bancaria (Minerva Bancaria) Scientific Committee.
Since 2021 he has been Director of Armònia SGR and a member of the Nedcommunity Scientific Committee.
He provides technical consultancy and advice on the subjects of corporate finance and corporate governance, support for the board evaluation, remuneration policies, and procedures for transactions with related parties.
He has been a member of the Board of Directors, European Financial Management Association and of the Editorial Board, Journal of Management Governance.
He is the author of various national and international publications, primarily in the field of corporate governance, directors' remuneration, economic analysis of the law of listed companies, business crises, and has worked as a consultant to Assonime on matters of corporate governance, company law and crisis and regulation of financial markets, also participating in the working group for the development of the Corporate Governance Code.
Since 2003, he was Director in listed and unlisted, supervised and non-supervised companies (Arca SGR, Banca Italease, BPER Banca, Erg, Gedi and Pirelli Tyre), whilst also working as a member or chairman of advisory committees (Nomination, Remuneration, Control and Risk, Related Parties).
He was a member of the Advisory Board for the transformation and privatisation of municipal companies in the Municipality of Rome, and a member of the competition commissions for Consob and the Energy and Gas Authority (AEEG).
In 2014 he received the "Ambrogio Lorenzetti" award for corporate governance, category ‘Board of Director’s’.
He was Professor at the University of Svizzera Italiana and the University of Bologna.
He graduated in Business and Economics from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, where he also held the role of researcher and associate professor of Corporate Finance.
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