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Enrico Maria Bignami

Statutory auditor elected from the slate of candidates submitted by italian and foreign institutional investors. He was born in Milan in 1957 and he has been standing Statutory Auditor of Eni since April 2017. He is a certified chartered accountant and a certified public auditor. He is a founder and Chairman of the Executive Committee of “Bignami Associati ‐ Consulenza Aziendale Societaria Tributaria”. Currently, among others, he is member of the Management Control Committee of Masi Agricola SpA. Among unlisted companies he is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of EniBioCH4in SpA – Eni Group, Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi SpA – Eni Group, Luisa Spagnoli SpA, Aon Reinsurance Italia SpA, Carcano Antonio SpA, Sirti Telco Infrastructures SpA, Standing Statutory Auditor of Sirti SpA, Butangas SpA (and other companies of the Group) and Ps Reti SpA, Chairman of Watch Structure of FSI SGR SpA and member of the Watch Structure of Luigi Bocconi University.


He is Leader of Topic Governance of Bocconi Alumni. In Nedcommunity a non-executives and independent administrator’s association, he is founder and he is currently member of the Reflection Group which adopted - among others - “The corporate governance for the unlisted companies”. He is coordinator of another Reflection Group dedicated to the topic of Supervisory bodies. He also has participated in in-depth analyses on many topics, including: the evaluation of the risk management and internal control system and its integration of strategic planning process; the agenda of the control and risk committee; the EU reform on Audit and the impacts on the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Control and Risk Committee; Sustainability, non-financial information and integrated risk management; the evolution of the ERM framework; cyber risk and role of the Control and Risk Committee.


He has a consolidated experience in advising, particularly on corporate governance, strategic analysis and support to companies in development operations; he held positions in Board of Directors and in Board of Statutory Auditors of various companies, including listed and multinational companies; he has experience in management and winding up of companies and in tax laws.

He has been, among others, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Telecom Italia SpA, Exor SpA, Inwit SpA, RCS Sport SpA, Brandt Italia SpA; lead independent director, member of the Strategic Committee and member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of Inwit SpA, liquidator of HDC SpA and of Dynamis Equity Partners SpA; Standing Statutory Auditor of So.Ge.Mi SpA. In Telecom Italia and Inwit he was also in charge of the Watch Structure activity pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01; he was also member of the Watch Structure of Luxottica Group SpA.

He is speaker at induction courses for independent Directors and Statutory Auditors of listed company, organized by Assogestioni and Assonime; he is also speaker in TEB (The Effective Board) of Nedcommunity on topics such as architecture and functioning of the internal control system, control governance and on Board of Statutory Auditors.

Moreover, he is speaker in conferences and workshops on various topics, including: “built to last” companies, governance and the system of controls in listed and unlisted companies, governance and organization in the restructuring, internal audit and risks, the allocation to the Board of Statutory Auditors of the functions of the Watch Structure.

He wrote articles and interventions on governance in the “Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti”, “L’Impresa” and HBR Harvard Business Review.

He graduated with full marks in Business Economy – specialization liberal profession as business expert - at the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

Last update: 13 February 2025

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