Antonella Alfonsi

Born in Civitavecchia in 1967. A lawyer since 1995, she has been a member of the Eni 231 Supervisory Body since June 2020. Graduating from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1991 with her thesis on Civil Procedural Law, she began her career as a civil and corporate lawyer, expanding her knowledge on related issues, and also dealing with the sale and acquisition of companies and business units. She further extended her knowledge of civil and corporate law by attending the Notary School, under the Chairman Dr Guido Capozzi in Naples.

She obtained a LL.M. Masters’ Degree in Corporate and Commercial Law at UCL – University College London in London (United Kingdom), broadening her knowledge of commercial and contract law. 

She has been dealing with compliance since 2005, following the approval of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, and since the start of the Organisational Models implementation projects, initially working with larger companies and then encompassing the entire range of Italian companies.

She has been part of numerous projects to implement and update Organisational Models and has been, and still continues to cover the role of Chairman, Member or Monocratic 231 Supervisory Body in many companies, which are mainly part of Multinational Groups.

Over the last five years, she has extended her expertise in compliance to other regulatory areas, which are complementary and relate to legislation on administrative liability, such as Anti-Corruption, under Italian Legislative Decree 231/2007 on Anti-Money Laundering, Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 on health and safety in the workplace, Italian Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, the consolidated environmental law, the protection of personal data under EU Regulation 679/2016 and Privacy Code.


On her return from London, she worked as an Associate at the Baker & Mc Kenzie Law Firm in Milan for about a year, dealing with general corporate, commercial contracts and acquisition operations.

She then joined the firm Andersen Legal (which then became the legal and tax consulting office for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) from 2000 to 2004, as a Manager for Knowledge Management projects, corporate and commercial law.

In 2004, she was instrumental in the founding of the Associated Law Firm – Deloitte, where she remained until December 2019, in the role of Managing Partner from 2006 to 2018–with specific responsibility for the Corporate Governance and Corporate Compliance departments and of Head of Energy and Resources Industry. 

During her professional career with the Deloitte Network, she served for three years as Anti-Corruption Champion for the Deloitte Central Mediterranean Firm.  

She is a member of the Board of “Probiviri” of the AODV231 Association.

She has been a speaker at numerous events mainly on Corporate Governance and Compliance.

She has been in private practice since January 2020.

Last update: 11 May 2023

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