Page 20 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 20

18                     Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 | Indirect emissions

                 Emissions resulting from       Given the relevance of other   suppliers, consumers and use
                 purchases of electricity, steam   indirect emissions for the O&G   of products. Eni monitors its own
                 and heat from third parties    sector (Scope 3, approximately   Scope 3 emissions in accordance
                 (Scope 2) are negligible for Eni   246 MtCO eq), over time Eni   with the main international
                 (approximately 0.7 MtCO eq),   has refined its reporting and   methodologies, which are also
                 since electricity is generated   certification process  for these   implemented by IPIECA and API
                 inside its plants and the related   emissions, associated with the   for the O&G sector, providing
                 GHG emissions are included     entire value chain, including   an estimate for most of the
                 among direct emissions.        activities resulting from     emissions categories. 17

                 ˛ Scope 3 2016
                                                                    0.4   0.3




                      Use of sold products (a)                 Processing of sold products (b)
                      Other contributions                      Electricity (sold) (c)
                                                               Goods and services purchased (supply chain) (d)
                                                               Transportation and distribution of products (e)
                                                               Business travel and employees commuting (f)
                                                               Other contributions (g)

                 (a) Use of sold products: includes emissions associated with the use of natural gas and oil products deriving from the production of crude oil and natural gas;
                 (b) Processing of sold products: emissions associated with the processing of products not carried out within Eni’s operational perimeter;
                 (c) Electricity (sold): emissions associated with the production of electricity purchased on the market and resold to the final customer (not including
                 EniPower’s share);
                 (d) Goods and services purchased (supply chain): includes emissions associated with suppliers (estimated based on annual procurement) and drilling activities
                 managed by third parties;
                 (e) Transportation and distribution of products: emissions associated with sea and road transport of crude oil, oil products and goods;
                 (f) Business travel and employees commuting: emissions associated with employees’ business travel and home-work commuting as well as movements to/from
                 and inside operating sites by car and helicopter;
                 (g) Other contributions: contributions associated with end-of-life disposal of lubricants and waste management.

                 Over 98% of indirect emissions   production and processing of   increase the share of gas in
                 are associated with the final   products outside of Eni as well   Eni’s hydrocarbon production
                 use of the products sold       as the purchase and sale of   portfolio. Gas has a lower
                 (natural gas and oil products,   electricity.                carbon content and is the
                 such as petrol, diesel and     The main lever for reducing   bridging fuel for the energy
                 kerosene) and with the         indirect emissions is to      transition.

                 16) Eni’s GHG inventory is drawn up in accordance with international standard ISO 14064 and checked in accordance with ISAE 3000 / ISAE 3410.
                 17) For data on 2014 and 2015, please refer to Eni for 2016 - Sustainability Performance. More details on the Scope 3 emissions for the 15 categories defined
                 by the main international standards are published as part of the CDP Climate Change questionnaire.
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