Page 25 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 25

                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                                                 A project has been underway for some years to develop
                                                 innovative solutions for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) able
                                                 to reduce the costs of investment and production of solar power.
                                                 A low-cost parabolic solar collector has been developed in
                                                 collaboration with MIT. It is simple to make and assemble and so
                                                 it can be manufactured directly in the Countries in which it will be
                                                 installed, promoting local employment and development. Over the
                                                 year, the first full-scale prototype was built with the Politecnico
                                                 di Milano and tests were performed that confirmed the collector’s
                                                 originality and functionality.

                 | Biofuels and Green Refinery

                 In the biorefinery started in     The Green Refinery Project was
                 2014 in Porto Marghera, 0.2 Mt
  ˛ Development of the main renewable energy projects  of biomass were processed   started in Gela in 2016 and envisages
                 to produce over 180,000
 Italy  B        tonnes of biofuels in 2016.       the production of about 530,000
 ˛ PROGETTO ITALIA  This is where Eni produces Eni
 Phase 1
 Tunisia B  5 solar power plants,   Diesel+ (launched on the Italian   tonnes of biofuels
 70 MWp total
 Phase 2   Pakistan B  market in 2016) which, with
 Solar power   9 solar power plants,
 (Oued Zar)      the 15% renewable component,
 150 MWp total  Solar power, 50 MWp
                 preserves engine efficiency and   after the start-up (mid 2017) of   specific policy, available on the
      SOLAR POWER PROJECT  contributes to reducing CO    a pre-processing plant which will   website.  This policy includes an
 CSP technology on the Assemini       2
 industrial site  emissions by 5%, particulate up   increase operating flexibility still   emphasis on the procurement and
                 to 20%, unburned hydrocarbons   further.                     use of palm oil.
                 and carbon oxides up to 40%   Eni also pursues biomass       Eni uses only biomass that
 Algeria B       compared to the diesel in the   diversification objectives with an   is certified according to the
                 market. In the second half of   eye on future EU directives that   International Sustainability &
 Solar power, Bir Rebaa
 North (BRN), 10 MWp  Egypt B  2016, waste oil from frying   will promote biofuels from waste   Carbon Certification (ISCC) - the
 Solar power, large scale
 Solar power, 50 MWp  started to be processed in Porto   and residue.         reference standard for Europe
 Ghana G         Marghera alongside palm oil.   Focus on the sustainability of used   - which guarantees respect
                 The use of alternative raw    biomass has always been a priority   for environmental and social
 Onshore solar power,
 20-50 MWp       materials will gradually increase   and has led to the definition of a   requirements.
 Floating solar power,   B  Brownfield
 5 MWp
 Projects relating to existing industrial assets and
 which have the aim of producing energy from
 renewable sources, exploiting all the industrial,   A technology to capture CO  and produce
 contractual and commercial synergies. These                2
 projects include the replacement of fuel oil/gas
 with renewable energy.  third generation biofuels from micro algae
 G  Greenfield       is being experimented in Ragusa. A pilot plant
 New projects that are not directly related to Eni’s
 industrial areas, where initiatives aimed at sales on
 local networks or to industrial customers are   is expected to be started in April 2017

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