Page 15 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
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                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization



                 In 2016 Eni broadened the     of the context and analysing       6 of the 10
                 Climate Action Plan it adopted in   the potential impacts on the
                 2015 by giving greater emphasis   Company’s business model.      meetings
                 to the development of renewable   The CEO’s 2017 variable
                 energies for its own consumption   incentive plan also envisages a   of the
                 and for electricity production   sustainability target weighted   Sustainability
                 and direct sale to the market.   25% and composed of two
                 The Sustainability and Scenarios   sub-objectives: the first involves   and Scenarios
                 Committee supported the Board   reducing the GHG emission        Committee
                 of Directors in the assessments   intensity rate in the operated
                 related to climate change by   production of hydrocarbons,       dealt with
                 addressing the issue in 6 of the   in line with the 2025 objectives;   climate
                 10 meetings, focusing especially   the second concerns worker
                 on the energy scenarios and   safety performance (Severity       change
                 development                   Incident Rate).
                 of renewable sources.         For managers with strategic
                 The Control and Risks         responsibilities, the guidelines
                 Committee also prepared an    envisage remuneration tools that
                 analysis of the long-term risk   are strictly consistent with those
                 profile, examining the evolution   of the CEO.



                 The process for managing      Financial Disclosure , of which   and other risks which impact
                 the risks and opportunities   Eni is a member. Climate change   on the business.
                 associated with climate change   risk identifies the possibility of   The risks and opportunities
                 is carried out by considering   changes occurring to aspects   associated with climate change,
                 5 drivers, in line with the   associated with climate change   analysed particularly with regard
                 recommendations of the Task   which may generate, in the short,   to the four-year strategic plan
                 Force on Climate Related      medium and long term, physical   and over the long term, concern:

                 13) The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) was set up by the Financial Stability Board with the aim of defining
                 recommendations for companies on climate change disclosure.
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