Page 16 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 16

14                     Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                   Physical         Scenario          Regulatory       Technological    Reputational
                   drivers          drivers           drivers          drivers          drivers

                   Extreme/         Uncertainty over   Adoption of     Speed of         Stakeholders’
                   chronic weather   the evolution of   policies (such   development    focus on the issue
                   and climate      the energy mix    as carbon        of low-carbon    and increasing
                   phenomena with a   and hydrocarbon   pricing) aimed   technological   requests for
                   possible increase   prices in a    at sustaining    solutions and    transparency
                   in costs (including   low-carbon   the energy       consequent       by Institutions,
                   insurance) for   context, with     transition towards   uncertainty   the financial
                   adaptation       effects on the    low-carbon       regarding the    community, NGOs
                   measures to      demand for fossil   sources with   effects on       and public opinion.
                   protect assets   fuels, on project   effects on the   business.
                   and people.      operating costs   price of CO . 2
                                    and profitability.

                 Two assessment cycles were performed in 2016. They confirmed that climate change was among Eni’s top 20
                 risks that are monitored by the Board of Directors quarterly.



                 ˛ Worldwide energy mix (a)                               ˛ Global generation and
                                                                               emissions in the power sector (a)
                        25%                                              12,000
                             18%                                         10,000
                                                     2030 IEA450  (b)
                                           52%   50%
                  7%                                                     2,000
                                                     O&G                    0
                            29%                      Coal                      Coal    O&G   Other sources
                                                     Wind and solar             Power Generation (TWh)
                                                     Other (nuclear and other renewables)  CO  emissions in the power sector (Mton)
                 (a) Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2016 (b) World demand for power from 2014 to 2030 increases by approximately 6%

                 Ensuring that demand is met    energy mix’s emission intensity.   Global demand for oil will
                 while observing the Paris      This would be possible with a   continue to grow, at least until
                 Agreement objectives requires   gradual transition towards less   2035 , albeit at progressively
                 a sharp reduction of the current   carbon intensive sources.  slower rates.
                 14) Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2016, New Policy Scenario.
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