Page 18 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 18

16                     Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 ˛ Direct GHG emissions 15
                    MtCO 2eq

                      12.6  48.7              47.6
                                        9.8           42.0      41.6    40.1
                               11.4              8.9
                                        12.8              8.4      8.2      8.5
                               12.9              11.3
                      32.1                                10.1     10.6     11.2
                                        29.4     27.4
                               24.3                       23.4     22.8
                                                                            20.4  Corporate and Other Activities
                                                                                  Refining & Marketing and Chemistry
                                                                                  Gas & Power
                                                                                  Exploration & Production

                    2010     2011     2012     2013     2014     2015     2016

                 | Reduction of process flaring

                 Eni has a program to reduce    After having consolidated a 75%   Eni has adopted the Global Gas
                 gas sent to flaring which is   reduction of volumes compared   Flaring Reduction Partnership
                 achieved with an emphasis on   with 2007 over recent years,   (GGFR) promoted by the World
                 the production of electricity for   despite the difficult environment   Bank and aims to achieve zero
                 local populations, distribution for   in Countries like Nigeria and   process flaring 5 years earlier
                 domestic consumption or export.   Libya, during the 2014-2016   than scheduled in the initiative,
                 Where these practices were not   period Eni accomplished a   with expected investments of
                 possible, Eni created re-injection   further reduction of 8.8% in   over €500 million by 2020.
                 systems in natural gas reservoirs.   process flaring.

                 ˛ Volumes of hydrocarbon fuels sent to process flaring
                    MSm 3
                                                            Target 2025:
                   1,678                             Zero process
                               1,564     1,530             flaring


                      2014       2015      2016        2025

                 15) Any discrepancies between partial and total data are due to the rounding up/down of partial data.
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