Page 24 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 24

22                      Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 | Development of renewables

                 The development of renewable   “Progetto Italia” which involves   Africa and Asia) with the aim
                 energy sources in the Countries   the development of plants (mainly   of increasing energy efficiency,
                 in which Eni operates is a key   photovoltaic) in its industrial areas,   the sustainability of Eni’s
                 element in the Company’s       available for use and of little interest   consumption and improve local
                 strategy to move the business   to other economic activities. Eni has   populations’ access to energy
                 model towards a low-carbon     identified 14 projects for an overall   using a more sustainable energy
                 scenario.                      capacity of about 220 MW which   mix. A series of cooperation
                 In 2016 large scale projects   will be installed across the nation   agreements have been
                 for generating power from      by 2022.                      concluded with Ghana, Algeria
                 renewable sources were         At international level, Eni   and Tunisia to strengthen Eni’s
                 identified and launched in Italy   has identified projects to be   long-standing presence in these
                 and across the world.          developed in Countries where it   Countries and broaden its sphere
                 In Italy, Eni has launched     has strategic interest (especially   of activities.

                  ˛ Development of the main renewable energy projects

                                                       Italy  B
                                                       ˛ PROGETTO ITALIA
                                                       Phase 1
                         Tunisia B                     5 solar power plants,
                                                       70 MWp total
                                                       Phase 2                   Pakistan B
                         Solar power                   9 solar power plants,
                         (Oued Zar)
                                                       150 MWp total             Solar power, 50 MWp
                                                       ˛ ASSEMINI CONCENTRATED
                                                            SOLAR POWER PROJECT
                                                       CSP technology on the Assemini
                                                       industrial site

                  Algeria B

                  Solar power, Bir Rebaa
                  North (BRN), 10 MWp                              Egypt B
                  Solar power, large scale
                                                                   Solar power, 50 MWp
                                            Ghana G
                                           Onshore solar power,
                                           20-50 MWp
                                           Floating solar power,   B  Brownfield
                 463 MW                    5 MWp                      Projects relating to existing industrial assets and
                                                                      which have the aim of producing energy from
                                                                      renewable sources, exploiting all the industrial,
                                                                      contractual and commercial synergies. These
                 Installed power                                      projects include the replacement of fuel oil/gas
                 from renewables by 2020                              with renewable energy.
                                                                  G   Greenfield
                                                                      New projects that are not directly related to Eni’s
                 €0.55 billion                                        industrial areas, where initiatives aimed at sales on
                                                                      local networks or to industrial customers are
                 of investment by 2020
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