Page 23 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 23

                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 price of its projects down    energies. Eni pursues a solution   almost 73% of emissions
                 from $45/b to $30/b of        that combines natural gas and   in this sector.
                 Brent equivalent, one of the   renewables in order to eliminate   The portfolio of assets and
                 lowest of all its peers. Natural   the use of more polluting fossil   new investments is regularly
                 gas plays a key role in the   fuels, such as coal, which still   reviewed by management in
                 decarbonization strategy and is   represents 41% of electricity   order to identify any emerging
                 the ideal partner for renewable   production globally and causes   risks.

                 | Portfolio resilience / Stranded Assets

                 Eni’s strategy and its portfolio composition minimize the risk of “stranded assets”. The resilience of Eni’s
                 production and reserves portfolio, even under a decarbonization scenario, is guaranteed by:

                   Focus on conventional   Exploration leadership   Cautious scenario   Energy mix balanced
                   projects developed in   at low unit costs and a   assumptions which lead   with gas. 18
                   stages (to limit initial   dual exploration model   to strong investment
                   investment).          that enables early    selectivity.
                                         monetization of the

                 Eni also assesses the potential   solutions for reducing       the IEA 450 ppm scenario
                 impacts of the energy transition   emissions from the project’s   to assess the risk of stranded
                 scenarios on its portfolio:     initial stages. This assumption   assets on the upstream
                 •  by applying a sensitivity    reduces the effect on average   portfolio. Taking into account
                   with a CO  price of 40 $/ton   portfolio IRR by 0.5% and     this scenario’s assumptions
                   in real terms in 2015 on all   all the projects stay above   regarding the price of CO
                   the main projects in order to   the minimum rate of return.   and Brent, the impacts on Eni’s
                   adopt the most appropriate   •  by conducting a stress test on   portfolio are increased.

                 18) 50% of current production uses gas and this exposure will increase as the plan progresses with the development of reserves in Egypt and Indonesia and,
                 over the long term, with Mozambique.
                 19) A scenario that entails containing the increase of temperatures within 2 degrees with a coherent system of actions that ensure the containment
                 of consumption, the switch towards low-carbon sources and the promotion of energy efficiency using high prices of energy variables (crude and CO ).
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