Page 17 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 17

                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 Moreover, the decline in the   efficiencies and low emission   and technological limits such
                 existing hydrocarbon production   coefficients, is the only fossil   as intermittence. Use of the
                 will require new discoveries   fuel that is growing in absolute   gas-renewables mix will also
                 and new developments, even if   terms even under the IEA’s 450   allow coal consumption to
                 demand remains stable.        scenario, which is in line with the   be reduced. Currently, coal
                 Transportation efficiency will   2° C target.                contributes approximately 40%
                 increase with the spread of   Growth will be driven by the   to global power generation and
                 electric vehicles but their impact   electricity and industrial sectors,   is responsible for over 70% of
                 in terms of oil displacement will   where gas replaces fuels with   CO  emissions in the electricity
                 remain marginal for now, curbed   greater environmental impact,   sector. Lastly, the development
                 by the slow process of replacing   and by non-OECD Countries,   of new technologies and energy
                 fleets of cars. Furthermore, the   where, for many of whom, gas   policy measures will play an
                 decline in existing production   represents an immediate response   important role in this transition.
                 will require new discoveries and   to increasing energy needs.   One such measure is carbon
                 new developments, even        Gas is also the ideal partner for   pricing systems which promote
                 if demand remains stable.     the development of renewables,   the use of energy sources with
                 Gas, supported by high plant   which still have some economic   a lower environmental impact.

                  2016 results

                 | Reduction of direct emissions

                 From 2010 to 2016, changes   GHG emission intensity rate   compared with 2014. The GHG
                 to the production mix and    by 30%. Considering the target   Reduction Plan has three main
                 actions taken to contain GHG   of reducing upstream emission   action areas: eliminating process
                 emissions have allowed Eni to   intensity by 43% by 2025   flaring, reducing fugitive methane
                 reduce total GHG emissions   compared with 2014, Eni achieved  emissions and continuous
                 by 31% and the upstream      a reduction of 17.4% in 2016   improvement of energy efficiency.

              ˛ Upstream GHG emission intensity                                                 2025 target
                 tCO eq/toe                                                      -43% vs 2014
                    2010       2011       2012      2013        2014       2015       2016      2025 target
                  0.24 0.21            0.23 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.17                                  0.11
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22