Page 19 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 19

                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                                                 •  As part of the Zero Flaring strategy, Eni is researching and
                                                  experimenting a proprietary technology for gas re-injection in
                                                  low pressure mineralized levels using the water produced as
                                                  transport fluid. Pilot testing will begin in Nigeria shortly.
                                                 •  At its New Oils Centre in Gela, Eni has piloted an
                                                  oxy-combustion technology which allows the exploitation
                                                  of low-calorific tail gases with direct production of electricity
                                                  and practically zero CO, NO  and hydrocarbon emissions.

                 | Reduction of fugitive methane emissions

                 Eni is committed to reducing   period compared with 2014,    Methane Partnership, guided by
                 methane emissions associated   thanks to the start of specific   UNEP, Eni presented a methane
                 with its industrial operations.   campaigns to identify fugitive   emissions control program
                 Most of these refer to uncontrolled   methane emissions from plants   which involves establishing
                 emissions from upstream       and related maintenance and    monitoring campaigns over the
                 businesses and it is here that   leakage elimination (so-called   next 10 years to cover the most
                 efforts have been concentrated.  Leak Detection and Repair   important upstream sites, with
                 Eni upstream has achieved     campaigns - LDAR). Furthermore,   aim of reducing fugitive methane
                 reductions of over            as part of its public/private   emissions by 80% by 2025
                 43ktCH , equal to 1.1Mt of CO eq   partnership Climate and Clean   compared to the estimated 2014
                       4                2
                 estimated for the 2015-2016   Air Coalition (CACC) Oil & Gas   value.
                 ˛ Upstream fugitive methane emissions

                                                          Target 2025:
                   115,768                                -80%
                              91,416                    Vs 2014



                      2014       2015      2016          2025
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24