Page 27 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
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                                                                  Eni for 2016  |  Path to decarbonization

                 | International partnerships

                 Eni actively participates in the   Technological deployment will   effective dialogue on Carbon
                 main international climate    cause the OGCI’s investment to   Pricing with governments
                 initiatives. One of these     have a multiplier effect on the   and companies around the
                 initiatives involved Eni in the   low-carbon economy, with the   world. Lastly, to confirm its
                 development of the “Oil and   expected aim of reducing global   commitment to transparency,
                 Gas Climate Initiative” (OGCI) ,   GHG emissions by 1 Gt CO  over   Eni has participated in the
                 established in 2014 by Eni and   the next ten years.         Task Force set up by the
                 other companies from the      Eni continues in its commitment   Financial Stability Board
                 petroleum sector representing   to a global plan of action   (FSB-TCFD) in December 2015.
                 over 20% of the global        on carbon pricing in order     The aim of this Task Force
                 production of hydrocarbons.   to promote natural gas as a    is to develop international
                 In 2016, the CEOs of the OGCI   bridging solution in the climate   recommendations and guidelines
                 companies relaunched their    change challenge and encourage   on the disclosure of risks
                 commitment at an event in     the switch from coal to gas in   associated with climate change.
                 London, announcing a joint    power generation. Eni continues   The Task Force’s first
                 investment of $1 billion over   to work together with other   recommendations were
                 10 years for the development   O&G companies on the "Carbon   published in December 2016
                 of technologies capable of    Pricing Leadership Coalition"   and will be formalized after a
                 reducing GHG emissions.       initiative aimed at building an   a public consultation.

                 21) Current group members are BP, CNPC, Eni, PEMEX, Reliance, Repsol, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Statoil and Total.
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