Page 31 - EniFor2016_Report_eng
P. 31

                                                                       Eni for 2016  |  Operating model


                  of people

                 In Eni people have always been a   •  Implementing a significant   staff, with particular
                 strategic asset in the achievement   change in the quality/quantity   attention paid to critical
                 of the company objectives.      mix to optimize costs without   roles and skills.
                 Although the Oil & Gas market   compromising operating       This approach has enabled Eni
                 has seen a reduction of 400,000   capacity;                  to safeguard operating capacity,
                 people  from 2014 to 2016, Eni   •  Re-using resources after   skills and professionalism that
                 has decided not to focus its    industrial reconversion      are critical for the business
                 efficiency recovery strategy on   processes;                 while recovering efficiency.
                 redundancies and instead follow   •  Enhancing internal mobility,   In overall terms, employment
                 these lines of action:          including internationally;   fell slightly by 3.8% from 2014
                 •  Focusing on strategic projects,   •  Careful management of   to 2016, essentially due to
                   particularly in the upstream   turnover with selected      the methods used to manage
                   sector;                       replacement of outgoing      turnover.

                 ˛ Eni people

                               34,040          33,389           32,733

                                   20,775          20,447          20,476

                                      13,265          12,942          12,257  Italy


                                  2014             2015           2016

                 | Diversity as a resource

                 Eni considers diversity, in all of   processes have been defined   commitment to greater
                 its forms, as a strength and value   to achieve this objective. These   integration with local
                 that must be safeguarded and   processes envisage greater    companies was confirmed by
                 promoted within the Company   uniformity of management       the percentage of total local
                 and in all relationships with   at global level and boosting   workforce standing at 35% in
                 stakeholders.                 collaborations with universities   Countries that Eni has recently
                 Special attention is paid to the   to select young graduates in the   entered and reaching 86% in
                 development of local people   Countries in which Eni is present.   those Countries where it built
                 and planning and recruitment   In the upstream sector, the   a long-standing presence.

                 22) Source: Graves & Co.
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